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Showing entries 101-200 out of 1983.
base62Nix package
base64_decoderNix package
Base64 cui
basedonNix package
A library for cleanly creating an object or tuple based on another object or tuple
basic2dNix package
Deprecated module from stdlib
basic3dNix package
Deprecated package from the stdlib
batchsendNix package
Nim / Python library to feed HTTP server quickly with custom messages
batteriesNix package
Module that imports common nim standard library modules for your convenience
battery_widgetNix package
Battery widget for command prompt
bcraNix package
Central Bank of Argentina Gov API Client with debtor corporations info
bcryptNix package
Wraps the bcrypt (blowfish) library for creating encrypted hashes (useful for passwords)
beanstalkdNix package
A beanstalkd work queue client library
bearlibterminalNix package
Wrapper for the C[++] library BearLibTerminal
bearsslNix package
BearSSL wrapper
benchyNix package
bencodeNix package
Bencode library
bezierNix package
Bezier curves
bgfxNix package
Wrapper for the graphics library; BGFX
bgfxdotnimNix package
Bindings to BGFX
bibletoolsNix package
Bible tools!
Simple web to share books, Calibre, Jester, Spectre CSS, No JavaScript, WebP & ZIP to reduce b…
bigintsNix package
Arbitrary-precision integers implemented in pure Nim
bignumNix package
Wrapper around the GMP bindings for the Nim language
binanceNix package
A library to access the Binance API
binaryheapNix package
Simple binary heap implementation
binarylangNix package
Binary parser/encoder DSL
binaryparseNix package
Binary parser (and writer) in pure Nim
bingoNix package
Binary serialization framework
binioNix package
Package for packing and unpacking byte data
bioNix package
Bytes utils for Nim
bio_seqNix package
A Nim library for biological sequence data
bionimNix package
A collection of useful algorithms and data structures for bioinformatics
bipbufferNix package
Bi-partite buffer implementation in Nim
biscuitsNix package
Better cookie handling
bisectNix package
Bisection algorithms ported from Python
bitablesNix package
Bidirectional {maps, tables, dictionaries} in nim
bitarrayNix package
Efficient in-memory or mmap-backed bitarray implementation in Nim
bitcoinlightningNix package
Bitcoin Lightning client
bitseqsNix package
Utility for a bit manipulation
bitsetNix package
A pure nim version of C++'s std::bitset
bitstreamsNix package
Interface for reading per bits
bittyNix package
Utilities with dealing with 1d and 2d bit arrays
bitvecNix package
Extensible Bit Vector library for nim
bitvectorNix package
Bit Vector with base SomeOrdinal and little endian format
blackvasNix package
Declarative UI framework for building Canvas
blackvas_cliNix package
The Blackvas CLI
blake2Nix package
Blake2 - cryptographic hash function
blargNix package
A basic little argument parser
bloomNix package
Efficient Bloom filter implementation for Nimrod using MurmurHash3
bloscNix package
BLOSC meta-compression for Nim
blscurveNix package
BLS381-12 Curve implementation
bluesoftcosmosNix package
Bluesoft Cosmos extractor
blurhashNix package
Encoder/decoder for blurhash algorithm
bluuNix package
Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing Platform and Services (MAC) APIs
bncurveNix package
Barreto-Naehrig pairing-friendly elliptic curve implementation
boneioNix package
Beagle bone black GPIO implementation
bossyNix package
Makes supporting command line arguments easier
boxyNix package
2D GPU rendering with a tiling atlas
bpgNix package
Bindings for Bellard's BPG (Better Portable Graphics) library
brainfuckNix package
A brainfuck interpreter and compiler
brainlyextractorNix package
Brainly data extractor
breezeNix package
Macro dsl
brightcoveNix package
Brightcove player parser
bsNix package
A good alternative to Makefile
bsonNix package
BSON (Binary Json) serialization
buNix package
B)asic|But-For U)tility Code/Programs (Usually Nim & With Unix/POSIX/Linux Context)
bufferNix package
bumpNix package
A tiny tool to bump nimble versions
bumpyNix package
2d collision library
bytes2humanNix package
Convert bytes to kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, etc
bytesequtilsNix package
Nim package to manipulate buffer as either seq[byte] or string
byteutilsNix package
A library to handle raw bytes and hex representations
c2nimNix package
C2nim is a tool to translate Ansi C code to Nim
c4Nix package
Game framework
c_alikesNix package
Operators, commands and functions more c-like, plus a few other utilities
cacheNix package
A cache library
cairoNix package
Wrapper for cairo, a vector graphics library with display and print output
calNix package
A simple interactive calculator
calendarNix package
A tiny calendar program
calibreNix package
Calibre Database Lib for Nim
camelizeNix package
Convert json node to camelcase
canonicaljsonNix package
capnpNix package
Cap'n Proto bindings
capstoneNix package
Capstone framework wrapper
cascadeNix package
Method & assignment cascades for Nim, inspired by Smalltalk & Dart
cassandraNix package
Cassandra driver bindings
cassetteNix package
Record and replay your HTTP sessions!
castingNix package
A wrapper of the C++ cast operators
catnipNix package
Assembler for runtime code generation
cborNix package
Concise Binary Object Representation decoder and encoder (RFC7049)
cdeclNix package
Nim helper for using C Macros
celloNix package
String algorithms with succinct data structures
cgiNix package
Helper procs for CGI applications in Nim
chacha20Nix package
ChaCha20 stream cipher
chainNix package
Nim's function chaining and method cascading
changerNix package
Makes doing changelogs easier
chebyshevNix package
Chebyshev approximation
checkifNix package
A CLI tool to check files (and registry in Windows)
checkpackNix package
Tiny library to check if a system package is already installed
chipmunkNix package
Chipmunk 2d physics library
chipmunk6Nix package
Chipmunk 2d physics library