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Showing entries 301-400 out of 1983.
daemonimNix package
Daemonizer for Unix, Linux and OS X
daemonizeNix package
This library makes your code run as a daemon process on Unix-like systems
daliNix package
Dalvik Assembler/Linker
darwinNix package
Collection of bindings to MacOS and iOS APIs
dashingNix package
Terminal dashboards for Nim
datamancerNix package
A dataframe library with a dplyr like API
dataurlNix package
Easily create data urls!
datetime2humanNix package
Human friendly DateTime string representations, seconds to millenniums
datetime_parseNix package
Parse datetime from various resources
dav1dNix package
Nim wrapper for dav1d, a fast, portable av1 video decoder created by videolan and used by VLC and …
dbNix package
Unified database access to Sqlite, MySql, and Postgres
db_clickhouseNix package
ClickHouse Nim interface
db_connectorNix package
Unified database connector
db_nimternalsqlNix package
An in-memory SQL database library
db_prestoNix package
Prestodb connector
db_wrapperNix package
This libraly able to use database/sql of Go
dbgNix package
"dbg" template; in debug echo
dbschemaNix package
Database scheme migration library for Nim language
dbusNix package
Dbus bindings for Nim
decimalNix package
A correctly-rounded arbitrary precision decimal floating point arithmetic library
decimal128Nix package
Decimal number type based on IEEE 754-2008
decisiontreeNix package
Decision tree and Random forest CART implementation for nim
deepspeechNix package
DeepSpeech (Mozilla) bindings for Nim
delaunayNix package
Delaunay triangulator
delightNix package
Engine-agnostic library for computing 2D raycasted lights
denim_uiNix package
The Denim UI library
denim_ui_cairoNix package
Cairo backend for the denim ui engine
denim_ui_canvasNix package
HTML Canvas backend for the denim ui engine
depotNix package
For working with S3-compatible storage APIs
deriveablesNix package
A package to create deriveable types in Nim
desNix package
3DES native library for Nim
deser_jsonNix package
JSON-Binding for deser
desimNix package
A discrete event simulator modeled on SST
devilNix package
Wrapper for the DevIL library
dhashNix package
Implementation of Neal Krawetz’s dHash algorithm in Nim
diffNix package
Library for finding the differences between two sequences
diffoutputNix package
Collection of Diff stringifications (and reversals)
digitaloceanNix package
Wrapper for DigitalOcean HTTP API
dikNix package
Table implemented as optimized sorted hashed dictionary of {array[char]: Option[T]}, same size as …
dimageNix package
Pure Nim, no external dependensies image dimension reader for all web supported image formats
dimscmdNix package
A command handler for the dimscord discord library
dimscordNix package
A Discord Bot & REST Library for Nim
directnimrodNix package
Nimrod wrapper for the direct3D 11, 11.1, and 12 libraries as well as for direct2D and DXGI
discord_rpcNix package
Discord RPC client
discordnimNix package
Discord library for nim
distancesNix package
Distances is a high performance Nim library for calculating distances
distorm3Nix package
Nim wrapper for distorm3 - Powerful Disassembler Library For x86/AMD64
distributionsNix package
Probability distributions and functions in Nim
dndNix package
Drag and drop source / target
dnsclientNix package
Simple DNS Client & Library
dnsprotecNix package
DNS /etc/hosts file manager, Block 1 Million malicious domains with 1 command
dnsprotocolNix package
Domain Name System (DNS) protocol for Nim programming language
dnsstampsNix package
An implementation of DNS server stamps in Nim
docoptNix package
Command line option parser that will make you smile
docxNix package
A simple docx reader
dogapiNix package
Dog API client
dotenvNix package
Dotenv implementation for Nim
downitNix package
An asynchronous donwload system
dpdkNix package
Nim bindings to DPDK
drand48Nix package
Nim implementation of standard unix drand48 random number generator
drawilleNix package
Allows drawing in the terminal by using UTF Braille characters
drawimNix package
Simple library to draw stuff on a window
drchaosNix package
A powerful and easy-to-use fuzzing framework in Nim for C/C++/Obj-C targets
drngNix package
Provides access to the rdrand and rdseed instructions
Mangles filename for dropbox compatibility
dslutilsNix package
A macro collection for creating DSL in nim
dtoaNix package
Port of Milo Yip's fast dtoa() implementation
dualNix package
Implementation of dual numbers
duckduckgoNix package
Duckduckgo search
ducominerNix package
A multithreaded miner for DuinoCoin written in Nim
duktapeNix package
Wrapper for the Duktape embeddable Javascript engine
dumpincludesNix package
See where your exe size comes from
dyeNix package
An image colorizer
eachdoNix package
Eachdo executes commands with each multidimensional values
easingsNix package
Robert Penner Easing Functions for Nim
eastasianwidthNix package
Eastasianwidth is library for EastAsianWidth
easy_sqlite3Nix package
Yet another SQLite wrapper for Nim
easymailNix package
Wrapper for the sendmail command
echonNix package
A small package to create lindenmayer-systems or l-systems
ed25519Nix package
Ed25519 key crypto bindings
edensNix package
A command to encode / decode text with your dictionary
editlyconfNix package
Editly config generation tools and types
edlibNix package
Wrapper for edlib (Martin Šošić)
ednNix package
EDN and Clojure parser
eglNix package
Bindings for EGL, the native platform interface for rendering APIs
einheitNix package
Tool for providing unit tests
elfcoreNix package
An elf file library for nim
elvisNix package
Truthy, elvis, ternary and conditional assignment operators for nim
emathNix package
Math parser/evaluator library
emeraldNix package
Macro-based HTML templating engine
eminimNix package
JSON serialization framework for Nim
emitterNix package
Supranim's Event Emitter - Subscribe & listen for various events within your application
emmyNix package
Algebra for Nim
encodeNix package
Encode/decode utf8 utf16 and utf32
enetNix package
Wrapper for ENet UDP networking library
enkodoNix package
A cross platform encyption and serialization library
ensemNix package
Support for ensemble file format and arithmetic using jackknife/bootstrap propagation of errors
entgrepNix package
Grep but for secrets
entoodyNix package
envconfigNix package
Envconfig provides a function to get config objects from environment variables