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Showing entries 501-600 out of 1983.
garaNix package
Macro-based pattern matching library
gatabaseNix package
Compile-Time ORM for Nim
gcplatNix package
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) APIs
gdbmcNix package
This library is a wrapper to C GDBM one
geminiNix package
Building blocks for making async Gemini servers and clients
geminimNix package
A simple gemini server written in nim
genNix package
Ultimate Scaffolding Tool for building GUI/Web/CLI apps in Nim Lang
geneNix package
Gene - a general purpose language
genieosNix package
Too awesome procs to be included in Nim's os module
gennyNix package
Generate a shared library and bindings for many languages
genodeNix package
System libraries for the Genode Operating System Framework
genoiserNix package
Write functions, get summaries of genomic data
gentabsNix package
Efficient hash table that is a key-value mapping (removed from stdlib)
geoipNix package
Retrieve info about a location from an IP address
geolocationNix package
Retreive geolocation details from an IP address
geomancerNix package
A library and program for getting geomancy charts and figures
geometrymathNix package
Linear algebra library for computer graphics applications
geometryutilsNix package
A collection of geometry utilities for nim
geonamesNix package
GeoNames API wrapper
georefarNix package
GeoRef Argentina Government MultiSync API Client for Nim
gerbilNix package
Dynamic site generator
getchNix package
Getch() for Windows and Unix
getmacNix package
A package to get the MAC address of a local IP address
getrNix package
Benchmarking wrapper around getrusage()
Generates a GitHub documentation website for Nim projects
gifencNix package
Gif Encoder
gifwriterNix package
GIF writing library based on jo_gif
gigiNix package
GitIgnore Generation Interface
gimeiNix package
Random Japanese name and address generator
gimgNix package
Google Images scraper lib and CLI
gingerNix package
A Grid (R) like package in Nim
gintroNix package
High level GObject-Introspection based GTK4/GTK3 bindings
gitapiNix package
Module for working with git version control software
githubNix package
Github api
github_apiNix package
Connector for the GitHub API v3
github_releaseNix package
Github-release package
glbitsNix package
A light library for OpenGL and SDL2 graphics applications
glesNix package
Bindings for OpenGL ES, the embedded 3D graphics library
glewNix package
Autogenerated glew bindings for Nim
glmNix package
Nim port of the OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) library
globNix package
Pure library for matching file paths against Unix style glob patterns
globbyNix package
Globby - Glob pattern matching for Nim
glossolaliaNix package
A DSL to quickly write parsers
gm_apiNix package
Bindings for Greasemonkey API and header generator
gnuNix package
Godot-Nim Utility - Godot gamedev with Nim
gnuplotNix package
Interface to Gnuplot
gnuplotlibNix package
Nim gnuplot interface
gnutlsNix package
Wrapper for the GnuTLS library
godotNix package
Godot Engine bindings
goldenNix package
A benchmark tool
golibNix package
Bindings for golib - a library that (ab)uses gccgo to bring Go's channels and goroutines to the re…
googleapiNix package
GoogleAPI - Growing collection of google APIs for nim
googlesearchNix package
Nim library for scraping google search results
googletranslateNix package
A simple Google Translate implementation
goveeNix package
A Nim wrapper for the Govee API
gplayNix package
Upload APK to Google Play
gptcliNix package
OpenAI GPTs cli client written in nim
gpxNix package
Nim module for parsing GPX (GPS Exchange format) files
grabNix package
Grab statement for importing Nimble packages, similar to Groovy's Grape
gradientNix package
Color gradients generation
grafanimNix package
Grafana module for nim
gralgNix package
Classical Graph Algos in Nim
graphemesNix package
Grapheme aware string handling (Unicode tr29)
graphicsNix package
Graphics module for Nim
graphqlNix package
GraphQL parser, server and client implementation
gravatarNix package
Gravatar API wrapper
grimNix package
Bringer of property graphs to Nim!
grpNix package
Module for working with the UNIX group file
gslNix package
GNU Scientific Library for nim
gtk2Nix package
Wrapper for gtk2, a feature rich toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
gtkgenuiNix package
Genui is a DSL macro for creating graphical user interfaces
guildensternNix package
Modular multithreading Linux HTTP + WebSocket server
gungnirNix package
Cryptographic signing for Nim
gyaricNix package
Gyaric is a module to encode/decode text to unreadable gyaru's text
hackpadNix package
Hackathon Web Scratchpad for teaching Nim on events using Wifi with limited or no Internet
haloniumNix package
A browser automation library written in Nim
hangoverNix package
A new version of gin, with more features
harakaNix package
Haraka v2 short-input hash function
harpoonNix package
HTTP Client
hashidsNix package
Nim implementation of Hashids
hashlibNix package
Hash Library for Nim
hastsNix package
AST for various markup languages
hatsNix package
Various kinds of hashed array trees
hayaaNix package
Conway's Game of Life implemented in Nim
hcparseNix package
High-level nim wrapper for C/C++ parsing
hdrawingNix package
Simple shape drawing
heineNix package
A compact notation for math that transpiles to LaTeX
hexNix package
A simple hex package
hexclockNix package
Hex clock made in SDL and Nim
highlightNix package
Tool/Lib to highlight text in CLI by using regular expressions
hldiffNix package
A port of Python difflib to compute & (re)highlight diff output intraline
hmacNix package
HMAC hashing in Nim
hnimastNix package
User-friendly wrapper for nim ast
holstNix package
A Jupyter notebook parser
horde3dNix package
Wrapper for Horde3D, a small open source 3D rendering engine
hostNix package
A program to staticlly host files or directories over HTTP
hostnameNix package
Nim library to get/set a hostname
hotdocNix package
Single page documentation generator
hottextNix package
Rapid serial text presenter
hottieNix package
Sampling profiler that finds hot paths in your code