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Showing entries 801-900 out of 1983.
logitNix package
Dependency-free, cross-platform and small logging library for Lua and Nim, with a simple and comfo…
logueNix package
Command line tools for Prologue
lokiNix package
A small library for writing cli programs in Nim
lolcatNix package
Lolcat implementation in Nim
loonyNix package
Fast mpmc queue with sympathetic memory behavior
looperNix package
For loop macros for Nim
loopfusionNix package
Loop efficiently over a variadic number of containers
lowdbNix package
A db_sqlite fork with a proper typing
lqNix package
Directory listing tool
lrparserNix package
An SLR Parser and Tokenizer
lrucacheNix package
Least recently used (LRU) cache
lscolorsNix package
A library for colorizing paths according to LS_COLORS
luaNix package
Wrapper to interface with the Lua interpreter
luhncheckNix package
Implementation of Luhn algorithm in nim
luhnyNix package
Luhn's Algorithm implementation in Nim
lunaNix package
Lua convenience library for nim
lz77Nix package
Implementation of various LZ77 algorithms
macroplusNix package
A collection of useful macro functionalities
macroutilsNix package
A package that makes creating macros easier
madamNix package
Local webserver for Design Prototyping and Front-end Development
magicNix package
Libmagic for nim
mailcowNix package
Simple API wrapper for Mailcow
manuNix package
Nim Matrix library
mapbitsNix package
Access binary mapped portions of bytes using int variables
marggersNix package
Markdown dialect
markdownNix package
A Markdown Parser in Nim World
markxNix package
Markx selects execution targets with editor and executes commands
masterpasswordNix package
Master Password algorithm implementation
matextNix package
Render LaTeX math as multiline Unicode text
mathexprNix package
MathExpr - tiny mathematical expression evaluator library
matplotnimNix package
Nim wrapper for matplotlib
matrixsdkNix package
A Matrix ( client and appservice API wrapper for Nim!
matsuriNix package
Useful Variant Type and Powerful Pattern Matching for Nim
mazeNix package
A command and library to generate mazes
mccacheNix package
Mccache package: in-memory caching - simple & hash-cache
mcmurryNix package
A module for generating lexer/parser
mcresponseNix package
MConnect Standard HTTP network-status codes/texts & Transaction-Response Package
mctranslogNix package
Mctranslog - Transaction Log Package
mcu_utilsNix package
Utilities and simple helpers for programming with Nim on embedded MCU devices
mddocNix package
Generate Nim API docs in markdown for GitHub's files
mdevolveNix package
Integrator framework for Molecular Dynamic evolutions
mdlldkNix package
Dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) Development Kit for mIRC
mealdbNix package
TheMealDB API client
measuremancerNix package
A library to handle measurement uncertainties
memlibNix package
Memlib - Load Windows DLL from memory
memoNix package
Memoize Nim functions
memviewsNix package
Unsafe in-place slicing
mentatNix package
Machine learning library for Nim
meowNix package
Meowhash wrapper for Nim
mersalNix package
Send SMS and Otp in nim, a wrapper for TextBelt's public API
metaNix package
View and set the metadata for audio files
metatagNix package
A metadata reading & writing library for Nim
metatoolsNix package
Metaprogramming tools for Nim
metricNix package
Unit types for Nim
metricsNix package
Metrics client library supporting Prometheus
A thin asynchronous HTTP server library, API compatible with Nim's built-in asynchttpserver
microparsecNix package
A performant Nim parsing library built for humans
microsNix package
Typed macros
Wrapper for the markdown rendering hoedown library
migrateNix package
A database migration tool written in Nim
mikeNix package
A very simple micro web framework
millieNix package
Convert big numbers to what's pleasant to see (an adorable, little girl, perhaps?)
mimeNix package
Mime generator (email with attachments)
Check minecraft server status
minhashNix package
Nim implementation of minhash algoritim
minhookNix package
MinHook wrapper for Nim
miniblinkNix package
A miniblink library for nim
minicoroNix package
Nim wrapper for minicoro - a tiny Lua-like asymmetric coroutine library
minizNix package
Wrapper for Miniz lib
minmaxheapNix package
miterNix package
Ratio calculator on your terminal
mmgeoipNix package
MaxMind GeoIP library
mnemonicNix package
Create memorable sentences from byte sequences
moduleinitNix package
Nim module/thread initialisation ordering library
mofuwNix package
More faster, ultra performance webserver
monerorpcNix package
Library for interacting with Monero wallets via RPC
mongoNix package
A MongoDB wrapper
mongopoolNix package
MongoDB pooled client for threaded applications such as web servers
mongrel2Nix package
Simplistic handler framework for the Mongrel2 webserver
monocypherNix package
moreloggingNix package
Logging helpers
moreprettyNix package
Morepretty - More pretty than nimpretty
mortNix package
A dead code locator for Nim
moss_nimNix package
Moss (Measure of Software Similarity) implementation in Nim
mouseNix package
Mouse interactions in nim
mpdclientNix package
MPD client library
mpegNix package
Wrapper for pl_mpeg single header mpeg library
mpfitNix package
Wrapper for the cMPFIT non-linear least squares fitting library (Levenberg-Marquardt)
mpvNix package
Nim bindings for libmpv
mpwcNix package
Master Password command line utility
mqttNix package
Wrapper for libpaho-mqtt, a C library that communicates with an MQTT pub/sub server
msNix package
Convert different time formats into milliseconds
msgpackNix package
A MessagePack binding for Nim
msgpack4nimNix package
MessagePack serializer/deserializer implementation in nim
muiNix package
A tiny immediate-mode UI library
multicastNix package
Join and leave multicast groups / broadcast
mummyNix package
Multithreaded HTTP + WebSocket server
murmurNix package
MurmurHash algorithm in pure nimrod
murmurhashNix package
Pure nim implementation of murmur hash
mustacheNix package
Mustache in Nim