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Showing entries 1-100 out of 1983.
xgboostNix package-set
aboutNix package
Executable for finding information about programs in PATH
accuratesumsNix package
Accurate Floating Point Sums and Products
adbNix package
ADB protocol implementation in Nim
adixNix package
An Adaptive Index Library for Nim
agletNix package
A safe, high-level, optimized OpenGL wrapper
agoNix package
Time ago in words in Nim
ajaxNix package
Wrapper for js ajax
akaneNix package
The Nim asynchronous web framework
alasgarNix package
Game Engine
aleaNix package
A library to work with random variables
algebraicdatasNix package
This module provides the feature of algebraic data type and its associated method
alignmentNix package
Alignment is a library to align strings
allegro5Nix package
Wrapper for Allegro version 5
allographerNix package
A Nim query builder library inspired by Laravel/PHP and Orator/Python
alsaNix package
C alsa-lib bindings for Nim
alutNix package
OpenAL Utility Toolkit (ALUT)
amkaNix package
A validator for greek social security number (AMKA)
amysqlNix package
Async MySQL Connector write in pure Nim
analyticsNix package
Allows statistics to be sent to and recorded in Google Analytics
ananoNix package
Another nanoID implementation for nim
animatecssNix package
Easily use Animate.css classes
animeNix package
The Nim wrapper for tracemoe
anonimongoNix package
Anonimongo - Another pure Nim Mongo driver
ansiparseNix package
A package to read data and parse it into ANSI escape characters
ansitohtmlNix package
A library that converts a string with ANSI CSI SGR codes (colours and such) into a string with HTM…
ansiutilsNix package
Utilities for parsing CP437 and ANSI escape codes
ansiwaveNix package
ANSI art + MIDI music
antlr4nimNix package
Nim interface to ANTLR4 listener/visitor via jsffi
antsNix package
ANT: statically typed configurations for Nim (and others)
anttweakbarNix package
Nim wrapper around the AntTweakBar c library
anybarNix package
Anybar client written in Nim
anycaseNix package
Convert strings to any case
aossoaNix package
Use a Structure of Arrays like an Array of Structures
applicatesNix package
Generalized routine and symbol pointers
aqcalcNix package
Calculate gematria values for Alphanumeric Qabbala
arbitraryNix package
Generating structured data from arbitrary, unstructured input
argon2Nix package
A nim wrapper for Argon2
argon2_highlevelNix package
A high-level Nim Argon2 password hashing library
argparseNix package
A command line argument parser
argument_parserNix package
Provides a complex commandline parser
ariaNix package
Aria2 API lib for Nim for any backend
arksysNix package
An entity component system package
array2dNix package
A 2D Array Implementation
arrayfirenimNix package
Nim wrapper for ArrayFire
arraymancerNix package
A n-dimensional tensor (ndarray) library
Image transformation and visualization utilities for arraymancer
artemisNix package
A simple gemini server written in nim
asciigraphNix package
Console ascii line charts in pure nim
asciitablesNix package
Terminal ascii tables for nim
asciitextNix package
Ascii Text allows you to print large ASCII fonts for the console and for the web
asciitypeNix package
This module performs character tests
aspartameNix package
More syntactic sugar for Nim
assNix package
Libass bindings for nim
assignsNix package
Syntax sugar for assignments
A general ast pattern matching library with a focus on correctness and good error messages
astarNix package
Basic A-Star path finding
astdotNix package
Prints a dot graph of a nim ast dumped using the dumpTree macro
astronimyNix package
Astronomical library for Nim programming language
asyncanythingNix package
Make anything async | always go async
asyncdockerNix package
Asynchronous docker client written by Nim-lang
asynceventsNix package
Asynchronous event loop for progaming with MVC
asyncftpclientNix package
FTP client implementation (originally in the stdlib)
asyncitersNix package
Async iterators
asyncmysqlNix package
Asynchronous MySQL connector written in pure Nim
asyncpgNix package
Asynchronous PostgreSQL driver for Nim
asyncpythonfileNix package
High level, asynchronous file API mimicking Python's file interface
asyncredisNix package
Pure Nim asyncronous driver for Redis DB
asynctestNix package
Test asynchronous code
asyncthreadpoolNix package
Awaitable threadpool
asynctoolsNix package
Various asynchronous tools for Nim
atNix package
A powerful, lightweight tool to execute code later
atozNix package
Amazon Web Services (AWS) APIs
audiodbNix package
TheAudioDB API client
audiusNix package
Audius API
aurNix package
A client for the Arch Linux User Repository (AUR)
authenticodeNix package
PE Authenticode parser based on libyara implementation
autoderefNix package
Syntax sugar which supports auto-dereferencing
automeNix package
Write GUI automation scripts with Nim
autonimNix package
Wrapper for AutoIt v3.3.14.2
autotemplateNix package
Simple auto-templates library
autotyperNix package
Keyboard typing emulator
avbinNix package
Wrapper of the AVbin library for the Nim language
awesome_rmdirNix package
Command to remove acceptably empty directories
awkNix package
A library of awk functions in nim
aws_sdkNix package
AWS SDK for Nim
awslambdaNix package
A package to compile nim functions for AWS Lambda
azure_translateNix package
Nim Library for Azure Cognitive Services Translate
backoffNix package
Implementation of exponential backoff for nim
badgemakerNix package
The Nim badgemaker tool
bagNix package
Validate HTTP input data in a fancy way
bakerNix package
Static website generation
ballena_itcherNix package
Flash ISO images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily
ballparkNix package
An amateur radio tool to get you a ballpark estimate of where a given Maidenhead grid square is
bamboo_websocketNix package
This is a simple implementation of a WebSocket server with 100% Nim
barbarusNix package
A simple extensible i18n engine
barcodeNix package
Nim barcode library
base32Nix package
Base32 library for Nim
base45Nix package
Base45 encoder and decoder
base58Nix package
Base58 encoders and decoders for Bitcoin and CryptoNote addresses