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Showing entries 1-60 out of 60.
_moduleNixOS option-set
accountsNixOS option-set
appstreamNixOS option-set
bootNixOS option-set
consoleNixOS option-set
containerscontainersNixOS option-set
dconfNixOS option-set
documentationNixOS option-set
dysnomiaNixOS option-set
ec2NixOS option-set
editorconfigNixOS option-set
environmentNixOS option-set
fileSystemsfileSystemsNixOS option-set
fontsNixOS option-set
gtkNixOS option-set
hardwareNixOS option-set
homeNixOS option-set
homebrewNixOS option-set
i18nNixOS option-set
imageNixOS option-set
launchdNixOS option-set
locationNixOS option-set
manualNixOS option-set
networkingNixOS option-set
newsNixOS option-set
nixNixOS option-set
nixopsNixOS option-set
nixpkgsNixOS option-set
ociNixOS option-set
openstackNixOS option-set
pamNixOS option-set
powerNixOS option-set
powerManagementNixOS option-set
programsNixOS option-set
qtNixOS option-set
securityNixOS option-set
servicesNixOS option-set
specialisationspecialisationNixOS option-set
swapDevicesswapDevicesNixOS option-set
systemNixOS option-set
systemdNixOS option-set
targetsNixOS option-set
timeNixOS option-set
usersNixOS option-set
virtualisationNixOS option-set
waylandNixOS option-set
xdgNixOS option-set
xfconfNixOS option-set
xresourcesNixOS option-set
xsessionNixOS option-set
zramSwapNixOS option-set
containersoption/containersNixOS option
A set of NixOS system configurations to be run as lightweight containers
fileSystemsoption/fileSystemsNixOS option
The file systems to be mounted
liblibNixOS option
This option allows modules to define helper functions, constants, etc
liblibNixOS option
This option allows modules to define helper functions, constants, etc
liblibNixOS option
This option allows modules to define helper functions, constants, etc
specialisationoption/specialisationNixOS option
A set of named specialized configurations
specialisationoption/specialisationNixOS option
Additional configurations to build
swapDevicesoption/swapDevicesNixOS option
The swap devices and swap files
uninstallNixOS option
Whether to set up a minimal configuration that will remove all managed files and packages