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Showing entries 1-23 out of 23.
Absolute path to a directory where builds will be stored in context of selected executor (Locally,…
Overwrite the URL for the GitLab instance
When set to true Runner will disable the possibility of using the CI_DEBUG_TRACE feature
Disable all container caching
Add a custom host-to-IP mapping
Docker image to be used
Give extended privileges to container
Bind-mount a volume And create it if it doesn't exist prior to mounting
Custom environment variables injected to build environment
Select executor, eg. shell, docker, etc. See runner documentation for more information
Limit how many jobs can be handled concurrently by this service. 0
What is the maximum timeout (in seconds) that will be set for job when using this Runner. 0
Runner-specific command script executed after code is pulled and just after build executes
Runner-specific command script executed after code is pulled, just before build executes
Runner-specific command script executed before code is pulled
When set to true Runner will only run on pipelines triggered on protected branches
Absolute path to a file with environment variables used for gitlab-runner registration
Extra command-line flags passed to gitlab-runner register
Limit number of concurrent requests for new jobs from GitLab
Register to run untagged builds; defaults to true when tagList is empty