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Showing entries 1-28 out of 28.
Whether to display the appswitcher on all displays or only the main one
Whether to automatically hide and show the dock
Sets the speed of the autohide delay
Sets the speed of the animation when hiding/showing the Dock
Whether to hide Dashboard as a Space
Enable spring loading for all Dock items
Sets the speed of the Mission Control animations
Whether to group windows by application in Mission Control's Exposé
Magnified icon size on hover
Animate opening applications from the Dock
Magnify icon on hover
Set the minimize/maximize window effect
Whether to minimize windows into their application icon
Enable highlight hover effect for the grid view of a stack in the Dock
Whether to automatically rearrange spaces based on most recent use
Position of the dock on screen
Persistent applications in the dock
Persistent folders in the dock
Show indicator lights for open applications in the Dock
Show recent applications in the dock
Whether to make icons of hidden applications tranclucent
Allow for slow-motion minimize effect while holding Shift key
Show only open applications in the Dock
Size of the icons in the dock
Hot corner action for bottom left corner
Hot corner action for bottom right corner
Hot corner action for top left corner
Hot corner action for top right corner