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Showing entries 1001-1100 out of 1200.
timelimitNix package
Execute a command and terminates the spawned process after a given time with a given signal
timerNix package
A sleep with progress
timetagger_cliNix package
Track your time from the command-line
timidityNix package
A software MIDI renderer
tioNix package
Serial console TTY
tkmanNix package
Graphical, hypertext manual page and Texinfo browser for UNIX
tldrNix package
Simplified and community-driven man pages
tlpNix package
Advanced Power Management for Linux
tmate-unstableNix package
Instant Terminal Sharing
tmpwatchNix package
Recursively searches through specified directories and removes files which have not been accessed …
tmuxNix package
Terminal multiplexer
SSH to multiple hosts at the same time using tmux
CPU, RAM, and load monitor for use with tmux
tmux-sessionizerNix package
The fastest way to manage projects as tmux sessions
tmux-xpanesNix package
Tmux-based terminal divider
tmuxinatorNix package
Manage complex tmux sessions easily
tmuxpNix package
Tmux session manager
A lightning fast version of tmux-fingers written in Rust, copy/pasting tmux like vimium/vimperator
toastifyNix package
A commandline tool that shows desktop notifications using notify-rust
todoNix package
Simple todo cli program written in rust
toiletNix package
Display large colourful characters in text mode
topgradeNix package
Upgrade all the things
topicctlNix package
A tool for easy, declarative management of Kafka topics
torrenttoolsNix package
A CLI tool for creating, inspecting and modifying BitTorrent metafiles
toyboxNix package
Lightweight implementation of some Unix command line utilities
trackmatrackmaNix package
Open multi-site list manager for Unix-like systems (ex-wMAL)
trackmatrackma-cursesNix package
Open multi-site list manager for Unix-like systems (ex-wMAL)
trackmatrackma-gtkNix package
Open multi-site list manager for Unix-like systems (ex-wMAL)
trackmatrackma-qtNix package
Open multi-site list manager for Unix-like systems (ex-wMAL)
Dump ACME data from traefik to certificates
trash-cliNix package
Command line interface to the trashcan
trashyNix package
A simple, fast, and featureful alternative to rm and trash-cli
trdl-clientNix package
The universal solution for delivering your software updates securely from a trusted The Update Fra…
tremorNix package
Early stage event processing system for unstructured data with rich support for structural pattern…
Tremor Language Server (Trill)
triehashNix package
Order-preserving minimal perfect hash function generator
trillianNix package
A transparent, highly scalable and cryptographically verifiable data store
ttchatNix package
Connect to a Twitch channel's chat from your terminal
ttf-mkfontdirNix package
Create fonts.dir for TTF font directory
ttf2pt1Nix package
True Type to Postscript Type 3 converter, fpdf
ttfautohintttfautohintNix package
An automatic hinter for TrueType fonts
ttfautohintttfautohint-noxNix package
An automatic hinter for TrueType fonts
ttwatchNix package
Linux TomTom GPS Watch Utilities
tty-clockNix package
Digital clock in ncurses
ttygifNix package
Convert terminal recordings to animated gifs
ttylogNix package
Simple serial port logger
ttyplotNix package
A simple general purpose plotting utility for tty with data input from stdin
turboNix package
High-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases
tvnamerNix package
Automatic TV episode file renamer, uses data from via tvdb_api
twitch-dlNix package
CLI tool for downloading videos from Twitch
twmNix package
A customizable workspace manager for tmux
twspace-crawlerNix package
Script to monitor & download Twitter Spaces 24/7
twspace-dlNix package
A python module to download twitter spaces
twurlNix package
OAuth-enabled curl for the Twitter API
txt2manNix package
Convert flat ASCII text to man page format
txtwNix package
Compute text widths
tydraNix package
Shortcut menu-based task runner, inspired by Emacs Hydra
tzNix package
A time zone helper
uairNix package
An extensible pomodoro timer
ugsNix package
A cross-platform G-Code sender for GRBL, Smoothieware, TinyG and G2core
ugtrainNix package
The Universal Elite Game Trainer for CLI (Linux game trainer research project)
uhubctlNix package
Utility to control USB power per-port on smart USB hubs
ulidNix package
Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID) in Go
Ultrastar karaoke song creation tool
Ultrastar karaoke song manager
umletNix package
Free, open-source UML tool with a simple user interface
unclutterNix package
Hides mouse pointer while not in use
unclutter-xfixesNix package
Rewrite of unclutter using the X11 Xfixes extension
undockerNix package
A CLI tool to convert a Docker image to a flattened rootfs tarball
unicodeNix package
Display unicode character properties
unparam-unstableNix package
Find unused parameters in Go
upNix package
Ultimate Plumber is a tool for writing Linux pipes with instant live preview
Simple tool to give you Desktop Notifications about your battery
uptermNix package
Secure terminal-session sharing
urjtagNix package
Universal JTAG library, server and tools
url-parserNix package
Simple command-line URL parser
urlencodeNix package
A CLI utility for URL-encoding or -decoding strings
Split tracker / timer for speedrunning with GTK+ frontend
usbimagerNix package
A very minimal GUI app that can write compressed disk images to USB drives
usbmuxdNix package
A socket daemon to multiplex connections from and to iOS devices
A socket daemon to multiplex connections from and to iOS devices
usbviewNix package
USB viewer for Linux
uucpNix package
Unix-unix cp over serial line, also includes cu program
uudeviewNix package
The Nice and Friendly Decoder
uutils-coreutilsuutils-coreutilsNix package
Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
uutils-coreutilsuutils-coreutils-noprefixNix package
Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
uwufetchNix package
A meme system info tool for Linux
uwuifyNix package
Fast text uwuifier
valeronoiNix package
A WiFi mapping companion app for Valetudo
vcs_queryNix package
EMail query-command to use vCards in mutt and Vim
vectorNix package
A high-performance observability data pipeline
Configuration tool for the VEIKK Linux driver
viaNix package
Yet another keyboard configurator
vialNix package
An Open-source GUI and QMK fork for configuring your keyboard in real time
viddyNix package
A modern watch command
vimerNix package
A convenience wrapper for gvim/mvim --remote(-tab)-silent to open files in an existing instance of…
vimpagerNix package
Use Vim as PAGER
vimv-rsNix package
Command line utility for batch-renaming files
vimv-unstableNix package
Batch-rename files using Vim