Showing entries 1-19 out of 19.
Environment variables suffixed by "_FILE" to set for the cert's service for your selected dnsProvi…
Toggles lego DNS propagation check, which is used alongside DNS-01 challenge to ensure the DNS ent…
DNS Challenge provider
Set the resolver to use for performing recursive DNS queries
Email address for account creation and correspondence from the CA
Whether to enable debug logging for this certificate
Path to an EnvironmentFile for the cert's service containing any required and optional environment…
Additional global flags to pass to all lego commands
Additional flags to pass to lego renew
Additional flags to pass to lego run
Group running the ACME client
Key type to use for private keys
Turns on the OCSP Must-Staple TLS extension
Commands to run after new certificates go live
The list of systemd services to call systemctl try-reload-or-restart on
Systemd calendar expression when to check for renewal
ACME Directory Resource URI
Minimum remaining validity before renewal in days
Where the webroot of the HTTP vhost is located