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Showing entries 1-20 out of 20.
dp9ikNixOS option-set
krb5NixOS option-set
loginLimitsNixOS option-set
makeHomeDirNixOS option-set
mountNixOS option-set
oathNixOS option-set
p11NixOS option-set
rsshNixOS option-set
servicesNixOS option-set
sshAgentAuthNixOS option-set
u2fNixOS option-set
usshNixOS option-set
yubicoNixOS option-set
zfsNixOS option-set
Whether to enable eCryptfs PAM module (mounting ecryptfs home directory on login)
Whether to enable fscrypt, to automatically unlock directories with the user's login password
Whether to enable the OTPW (one-time password) PAM module
Define resource limits that should apply to users or groups
The pam package to use
This option defines the PAM services