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Showing entries 1-13 out of 13.
The bare JID of the gateway administrator
Specifies which file should be used as the list of trusted CA when negotiating a TLS session
The name of the database to use
The hostname served by the XMPP gateway
The TCP port on which to listen for identd queries
Indicate what type of log messages to write in the logs
The password used to authenticate the XMPP component to your XMPP server
Whether all rooms will be persistent by default: the value of the “persistent” option in the globa…
A directory that should contain the policy files, used to customize Botan’s behaviour when negotia…
The TCP port to use to connect to the local XMPP component
Whether the users will be able to use the ad-hoc commands that lets them configure their realname …
Whether the realname and username of each biboumi user will be extracted from their JID
The IP address to connect to the XMPP server on