Showing entries 1-15 out of 15.
Disable PKCE on this oauth2 resource server to work around insecure clients that may not support i…
The basic secret to use for this service
Adds additional claims (and values) based on which kanidm groups an authenticating party belongs t…
Enable legacy crypto on this client
Allow localhost redirects
When redirecting from the Kanidm Apps Listing page, some linked applications may need to land on a…
The redirect URL of the service
Use 'name' instead of 'spn' in the preferred_username claim
Whether to ensure that this oauth2 resource server is present or absent
Whether this is a public client (enforces PKCE, doesn't use a basic secret)
Whether claim maps not specified here but present in kanidm should be removed from kanidm
Maps kanidm groups to returned oauth scopes
Maps kanidm groups to additionally returned oauth scopes