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Showing entries 1-17 out of 17.
basic_authNixOS option-set
metadata_configNixOS option-set
queue_configNixOS option-set
tls_configNixOS option-set
write_relabel_configsNixOS option-set
Sets the Authorization header on every remote write request with the configured username and passw…
Sets the Authorization header on every remote write request with the configured bearer token
Sets the Authorization header on every remote write request with the bearer token read from the co…
Custom HTTP headers to be sent along with each remote write request
Configures the sending of series metadata to remote storage
Name of the remote write config, which if specified must be unique among remote write configs
Optional Proxy URL
Configures the queue used to write to remote storage
Timeout for requests to the remote write endpoint
Configures the remote write request's TLS settings
ServerName extension to indicate the name of the server
List of remote write relabel configurations