Showing entries 1-14 out of 14.
The ip address to bind to (both listen on and send packets from)
Change process root directory to the directory where the config file is located (/etc/tinc/netname…
The amount of debugging information to add to the log. 0 means little logging while 5 is the most …
Path of the private ed25519 keyfile
Extra lines to add to the tinc service configuration file
The name of the host in the network as well as the configuration for that host
The name of the host in the network as well as the configuration for that host
The type of virtual interface used for the network connection
The ip address to listen on for incoming connections
The name of the node which is used as an identifier when communicating with the remote nodes in th…
The tinc_pre package to use
Path of the private RSA keyfile
Configuration of the Tinc daemon for this network