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Showing entries 12601-12700 out of 18547.
Polynomial types and operations
Multivariate polynomial rings
A solver for systems of polynomial equations in bernstein form
A variety of alternative parser combinator libraries
Higher-order, low-boilerplate free monads
Account management with Servant and Polysemy
Account management with Servant and Polysemy
Polysemy wrapper around the Blockfrost client
QuickCheck for Polysemy
A Polysemy effect for Chronos
Polysemy effects for concurrency
Polysemy effects for databases
Extra Input and Output functions for polysemy
Low level filesystem operations for polysemy
Run a KVStore as a filesystem in polysemy
Polysemy effects for databases
Test utilities for polysemy-hasql
Polysemy effects for HTTP clients
Effect for a set of stateful values indexed by a type of keys
KVStore effect for polysemy
Run a KVStore as a single json file in polysemy
Polysemy effects for logging
Colog adapters for Polysemy
Di adapters for polysemy-log
Primitive functions and data types
Domain modelling algebra for polysemy
Logging functions for polysemy-methodology
Functions for using polysemy-methodology with composite
Mocking framework for polysemy effects
Optics for Polysemy
Polysemy versions of Path functions
Disambiguate obvious uses of effects
Polysemy effects for system processes
Experimental, RandomFu effect and interpreters for polysemy
Readline effect for polysemy
Polysemy effect for req
Polysemy error tracking
Well-typed filesystem operation effects
Run several effects at once, taken from the polysemy-zoo
Socket effect for polysemy
Polysemy effects for testing
A Polysemy effect for time
Uncontrolled toy effect for polysemy
Experimental video processing DSL for polysemy
Functions for mapping vinyl records in polysemy
Start web servers from within a Polysemy effect stack
Experimental, user-contributed effects and interpreters for polysemy
Taming Selective Strictness
Online XML parsing with polyparse and tagsoup
Polyvariadic functions mapping to a given monoid
Typeable for polymorphic types
Utilities for polytypeable
Creation and application of polyvariadic functions
Maps and sets of partial orders
Pomodoro timer
Initial project template from stack
PEG parser combinator
A simple embedded pingable server that runs in the background
Extended Personal Media Network (XPMN) media server
An XMPP client library
XEPs implementation on top of pontarius-xmpp
Extended Personal Media Network (XPMN) library
ponyNix package
Can I have a pony?
poolNix package
Thread-safe resource pools
Resource pool allocations via ResourceT. (deprecated)
Simple work queue for bounded concurrency
Run jobs on a limited number of threads and support data dependencies
POP3 Client Library
Popenhs is a popen-like library for Haskell
Static key-value storage backed by poppy
Binding to the Poppler
Empty Cabal package
Express portable, composable and reusable data tasks and pipelines
A location accessor for porcupine to connect to HTTP sources/sinks
A location accessor for porcupine to connect to AWS S3 sources/sinks
A minimalist HTTP server framework written on top of wai
Utilities for creating and waiting on ports
Alternative 'lines' implementation that understands CR-LF and CR
Lenses for the AST of Template Haskell 2.11 and Template Haskell < 2.11
DSL for configuring Gentoo portage
Haskell bindings for the PortAudio library
porteNix package
FreeBSD ports index search and analysis tool
Implementation of the Porter stemming algorithm
High-performance distributed reverse / forward proxy & tunneling for TCP
A binding for PortMedia/PortMidi
Simplified PortMidi wrapper
PortMidi utilities
Rendering to pseudo-Haskell syntax
Pretty structural diffs between two values
HUnit assertions based on portray-diff
QuickCheck tests with portray-diff
Portray backend for pretty
Portray backend for prettyprinter
portsNix package
The Haskell Ports Library
Library to interact with port tools on FreeBSD
posNix package
Positive numbers
A product-of-sums generics library
Simple extensible library to run SQL file against PostgreSQL database
Extension of Poseidon library for Postgis (Spatial and Geographic objects for PostgreSQL)