Showing entries 15001-15100 out of 18547.
Visualize mathematical function's slope fields
Write lambdas without naming the parameters
Testing for minimal strictness
Pure Haskell slotmap implementation over ST or IO
Type-safe slugs for Yesod ecosystem
Clean URI slugs for Haskell
Convert text into slugs
Handle molecular sequences
Handle molecular sequences
Serialize to bytes
Low-level unboxed arrays, with minimal features
Flatten camel case text in LaTeX files
A property-based testing library
See README for more info
SmallCheck properties for common laws
SmallCheck properties for lens
Extra SmallCheck series and utilities
A Haskell port of the smallpt path tracer
A Unicode text type, optimized for low memory overhead
Utilities for the Smaoin semantic information model
A command line tool for working with sets and maps
A smarter QuickCheck
A package exposing a helper function for generating smart constructors
Group strings or bytestrings by words in common
Haskell Behavior Tree Library
Web based flash card for Word Smart I and II vocabularies
Combinators for Maybe types
Aeson support for the smash library
Optics for the smash library
Optics for the smash library
Optics for the smash library using optics-core
Linear time row minima for totally monotone matrices
Symbolic Model Checking for Dynamic Epistemic Logic
A library for Secure Multi-Execution in Haskell
Please see
String manipulation tool written in haskell
Full support of OpenSMILES and SMARTS specifications for Haskell
Parse arrays of tokens
Command line tool for Smith
API client for Smith
A lightweight Haskell implementation of Smith normal form over the integers
A tiny, lazy SMT solver
Smooth curves via several interpolation modes
SMSAero API and HTTP client based on servant library
Interface to Satisfiability Modulo Theories solvers
Parsing and printing SMT-LIB
A Haskell parser for SMT-LIB version 2.6
A library for working with the SMTLIB format
Library for parsing SMTLIB2
Low-level functions for SMT-LIB-based interaction with SMT solvers
An SMT-LIB backend running solvers as external processes
Testing SMT-LIB backends
An SMT-LIB backend implemented using Z3's C API
A type-safe interface to communicate with an SMT solver
Dump the communication with an SMT solver for debugging purposes
A type-safe interface to communicate with an SMT solver
Helper functions to create SMTLib expressions in QuickCheck
Get timing informations for SMT queries
Simple email sending via SMTP
An SMTP client EDSL
Listen for SMTP traffic and send it to an MTA script
Unofficial API client for
A simple SMTP client library
Gmail SMTP Client
GHC Source Plugin that helps to manage imports
GHC Source Plugin that helps to minimise imports and generate explicit exports
Strict ByteString Parser Combinator
A programming language with no semantics
A basic console snake game
Snake Game Using OpenGL
Top-level package for the Snap Web Framework
Accept header branching for the Snap web framework
Command-line tool to manage Snap AuthManager database
Blaze-html integration for Snap
Blaze-html-clay integration for Snap
Methods to manipulate Configurator objects for Snap & Snaplets
Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (core interfaces and types)
Add CORS headers to Snap applications
Serve Elm files through the Snap web framework
Collect errors in batches and dispatch them
A collection of useful helpers and utilities for Snap web applications
Language handling for Snap
Snap dynamic loader
Snap static loader
Declarative routing for Snap
Typesafe URLs for Snap applications
A web server for the Snap Framework
Streaming Snap handlers
Scaffolding CLI for the Snap Framework
A library for BDD-style testing with the Snap Web Framework
Snap Framework utilities
Type safe URLs for Snap
Acid-state snaplet for Snap Framework
Generic action log snaplet for the Snap Framework
Snap framework snaplet for the AMQP library
Provides an Acid-State backend for the Auth Snaplet
CoffeeScript for Snap, auto-compilation and pre-compilation
A Snaplet for CSS minification
Alternate authentication snaplet