Showing entries 1701-1800 out of 18547.
Generate Haskell boilerplate
Bolt driver for Neo4j
Analytic sampler compiler for combinatorial systems
Uniform random generators
Bond schema compiler and code generator
Runtime support for BOND serialization
Bond code generator for Haskell
Simple Parser Combinators
Parsers for usual data formats
Anonymous records and overloaded labels
Permissions for bookkeeper records
A module for bookkeeping by double entry
Helper functions for Japanese bookkeeping
A simple document organizer with some wiki functionality
A fold function for Bool
Alternative Bool type stored as byte
Generalized booleans and numbers
Logical combinatory operations dealing with datatypes representing booleans by their constructors
Convert numbers to binary coded lists
Boolean normal form: NNF, DNF & CNF
Haskell bindings for the Boolector SMT solver
Boolean expressions with various representations and search queries
Simplification tools for simple propositional formulas
A bookmarks manager with an HTML generator
Chronokinetic stream sources and incremental consumers
Library for invertible parsing and printing
Boomshine clone
Convert MIDI file to play-along boomwhacker animation
Convert MIDI file to play-along boomwhacker animation
OOP primitives for Haskell
Mathematically sound sound synthesis
IoC Monad in Haskell
Factory for quickly building an application
Factory for quickly building a microservice
Factory for quickly building a web application
Bootstrap CSS Framework type-safe interface
Implementation of the Borda count election method
Metering System for OpenStack metrics provided by Vaultaire
Boring and Absurd types
An educational game
A boring window switcher
Implementation of BORSH serialisation
Bots for functional reactive programming
Raw Botan bindings
Low-level Botan bindings
Like Maybe, but with a different Monoid instance
Build tool for Lambdabot
Encoding and decoding for the Bottom spec
Making de Bruijn Succ Less
ScopeH and ScopeT extras for bound
Unwrap Scope's with globally fresh values
A lightweight implementation of 'bound'
Arrays with a value for every index
Bounded quantity semaphores
A strict, immutable, thread-safe, single-ended, bounded queue
Bounded Transactional channels (queues)
Implementation of bounded channels
A generic boundingbox for an arbitrary vector
Read bower.json from Haskell
Audio-visual pseudo-physical simulation of colliding circles
Tying knots in polynomial functors
A profunctor effect system?
CSV parsing in a box
Box websockets
A hack to use GHC.Prim primitives in GHCi
2D text pretty-printing library
Backpropagation neuronal network
A minimal typed unix path library
Translations of classic Truth Maintenance Systems
Types and functions to work with braids and Khovanov homology
Primitive imperative language
Brainfuck interpreter
BrainFuck monad
A simple BF interpreter
Brainh*ck interpreter in haskell
Featureful sound change applier
Static text template generation library
Break from a loop
A simple Breakout game implementation
Set breakpoints using a GHC plugin
A url shortener
A Haskell implementation of the Brian's Brain cellular automaton
A declarative terminal user interface library
A declarative terminal user interface library
A drop-down menu widget for brick
Please see the README on GitHub at
Search forward or backward for certain kinds of items in brick list
Skip a certain kind of items when moving in brick list
Panes library for Brick providing composition and isolation for TUI apps
Show syntax-highlighted text in your Brick UI
Tabular list widgets for brick
Bricks is a lazy functional language based on Nix
Simple part of speech tagger
Painless 2D vector graphics, animations, and simulations powered by GLFW