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Showing entries 6501-6600 out of 18547.
Practical actors for Haskell
A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries
A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries
A documentation-only package exemplifying haddock markup features
A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries
Library exposing some functionality of Haddock
Test utilities for Haddock
Generate docset of Dash by Haddock haskell documentation tool
Dockerfile Linter JavaScript API
Read/write file formats commonly used by Hadoop
Use the Hadoop RPC interface from Haskell
A simple Hadoop streaming library
Fast command line tools for working with Hadoop
Confirm delegation of NS and MX records
hafarNix package
Affine arithmetic library for Haskell
A static site generator with blogging/comments support
A graph library offering mutable, immutable, and inductive graphs
Aggression analysis for Tweets on Twitter
HaGLNix package
Haskell-embedded OpenGL
hahaNix package
A simple library for creating animated ascii art on ANSI terminals
hahpNix package
Analytic Hierarchy Process
haijiNix package
A typed template engine, subset of jinja2
hailNix package
A service for pull-based continuous deployment based on hydra
Mailgun REST api interface for Haskell
A program to send emails throught the Mailgun api
Easy-to-use wrapper for the hailgun package
hailsNix package
Multi-app web platform framework
Dynamic launcher of Hails applications
hairyNix package
A probabilistic programming embedded DSL
hakeNix package
Make tool
Akismet spam protection library
hakkaNix package
Minimal akka-inspired actor library
hakoNix package
A mako-like quasi-quoter template library
hakyllhakyllNix package
A static website compiler library
hakyllhakyll_4_16_4_0Nix package
A static website compiler library
Wrapper to integrate literate Agda files with Hakyll
Hakyll extension for rendering Coq code using Alectryon
Blaze templates for Hakyll
Extra modules for the hakyll website compiler
Generate Html tables from Csv files
Compile Elm code for inclusion in Hakyll static site
Automatic hyphenation for Hakyll
A Hakyll library for internationalization
A hakyll library that helps maintain a separate links database
Convert from other blog engines to Hakyll
Dhall compiler for Hakyll
Allow Hakyll to create hierarchical menues from directories
Hakyll wrapper for the Elm compiler
Generate favicons for Hakyll websites
FileStore utilities for Hakyll
Hakyll utilities to work with images
Integrate ogmarkup document with Hakyll
Hakyll compiler for arbitrary external processes
A package allowing to write Hakyll blog posts in Rmd
Hakyll SASS compiler over hsass
Adds series functionality to hakyll
Hakyll Hamlet compiler
A shortcode extension module for Hakyll
Use shortcut-links in markdown file for Hakyll
Typescript and javascript hakyll compilers
A Hakyll compiler for Handlebars-like templates
halhalNix package
A runtime environment for Haskell applications running on AWS Lambda
halhal_1_1Nix package
A runtime environment for Haskell applications running on AWS Lambda
A tool to generate missing import statements for Haskell modules
HaLeXNix package
HaLeX enables modelling, manipulation and visualization of regular languages
halfhalfNix package
Half-precision floating-point
halfhalf_0_3_2Nix package
Half-precision floating-point
Additive monoids generalising vector spaces
halfsNix package
The HAskelL File System ("halfs" -- intended for use on the HaLVM)
A library to provide special kind of two-column output for Phladiprelio
Integration between Halide and ArrayFire
Haskell bindings to Halide
Integration between Halide and JuicyPixels
Haskell Static Web Page Generator
A live recompiler
Symmetry operations generater of Hall Symbols
halmaNix package
Library implementing Halma rules
GTK application for playing Halma
Telegram bot for playing Halma
Looks for functions given a set of example input/outputs
Split or combine data structures to and from halves, quarters, eighths
A simple, static HaLVM web server
hamNix package
Please see
hamidNix package
Binding to the OS level Midi services (fork of system-midi)
Physics on generalized coordinate systems using Hamiltonian Mechanics and AD
An Haskell library to drive the french Minitel through a serial port
Haml-like template files that are compile-time checked (deprecated)
hamppNix package
Haskell macro preprocessor
Interpreter for SQL-structure definitions in YAML (YamSql)
A purely functional and persistent hash map
Intel AMT serial-over-lan (SOL) client
Library to handle abstract music
Convert Halfwidth Katakana to Fullwidth Katakana
Hanabi card game
This package is deprecated
Library and command-line utility for accessing Google services and APIs
Geographic and Geometric Data
Utility functions for OpenGL and GLUT
HandleLike class