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Showing entries 8001-8100 out of 18345.
Initial project template from stack
hspec-hedgehoghspec-hedgehogNix package
Integrate Hedgehog and Hspec!
hspec-hedgehoghspec-hedgehog_0_3_0_0Nix package
Integrate Hedgehog and Hspec!
Jenkins-friendly XML formatter for Hspec
A JUnit XML runner/formatter for hspec
Document and test laws for standard type classes
LeanCheck support for the Hspec test framework
hspec-megaparsechspec-megaparsecNix package
Utility functions for testing Megaparsec parsers with Hspec
hspec-megaparsechspec-megaparsec_2_2_0Nix package
Utility functions for testing Megaparsec parsers with Hspec
hspec-metahspec-metaNix package
A version of Hspec which is used to test Hspec itself
hspec-metahspec-meta_2_7_8Nix package
A version of Hspec which is used to test Hspec itself
Orphan instances of MonadBase and MonadBaseControl for SpecM
A testing framework for Haskell using Hspec
Read environment variables for hspec tests
Hspec expectations for testing Parsec parsers
Helpers for creating database tests with hspec and pg-transact
Test Framework for checking server's status
Add an hspec test-suite in one command
Convenience wrapper and utilities for hspec
Find slow test cases
SmallCheck support for the Hspec testing framework
A library for testing with Hspec and the Snap Web Framework
Simple project template from stack
Structured formatted for hspec
Table-driven (by-example) HSpec tests
Run test-framework tests with Hspec
Run test-framework tests with Hspec
Hspec convenience functions for use with test-sandbox
hspec-tmp-prochspec-tmp-procNix package
Simplify use of tmp-proc from hspec tests
hspec-tmp-prochspec-tmp-proc_0_7_0_0Nix package
Simplify use of tmp-proc from hspec tests
Experimental Hspec support for testing WAI applications
Testing JSON APIs with hspec-wai
Write end2end web application tests using webdriver and hspec
A variation of yesod-test that follows hspec idioms more closely
Alpha version of Hspec 2.0
Spec for testing properties
Haskell interface to embedded Perl 5 interpreter
hsPIDNix package
PID control loop
Wrapper for PKCS #11 interface
Session handler for HSP
Multivariate polynomials and fractions of multivariate polynomials
A client library for the spread toolkit
A terminal presentation tool
My opinionated Haskell project formatter
The Haskell Stream Processor command line utility
hsqlNix package
Database access from Haskell
MySQL driver for HSQL
A Haskell Interface to ODBC
A Haskell Interface to PostgreSQL via the PQ library
SQLite3 driver for HSQL
hsqmlNix package
Haskell binding for Qt Quick
HsQML (Qt5) data model
HsQML DataModel instances for Vinyl Rec
HsQML-based clone of Pipe Mania
HsQML-based implementation of Nine Men's Morris
Sticky notes example program implemented in HsQML
HsQML sample programs
HsQML-based implementation of Nine Men's Morris
Access to the Readability API
RELP (Reliable Event Logging Protocol) server implementation
Haskell bindings to libseccomp
hsshNix package
SSH protocol implementation
Using Haskell for Unix shell scripting tasks
Get haskell source code info
Sqlite3 bindings
SQL parser and type checker
Hssqlppp extras which need template-haskell
HsSVNNix package
Partial Subversion (SVN) binding for Haskell
Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper
hstarNix package
Haskell version of tar CLI utility
Statistical Computing in Haskell
Quick and dirty statsd interface
Runs tests via QuickCheck1 and HUnit; like quickCheck-script but uses GHC api
Takes haskell source on stdin, parses it, then prettyprints it to stdout
Haskell helper functions
Distributed instant messaging over Tor
hstoxNix package
A Tox protocol implementation in Haskell
Tradeking API bindings for Haskell
StringTemplate implementation in Haskell
Convenience functions and instances for HStringTemplate
Checks Haskell source code for style compliance
A two player abstract strategy game
One-time, faithful conversion of Subversion repositories to Git
Sudoku game with a GTK3 interface
Synthesizable Verilog DSL supporting for multiple clock and reset
HSvmHSvmNix package
Haskell Bindings for libsvm
HSvmHSvm_1_0_3_32Nix package
Haskell Bindings for libsvm
Webots bindings for Haskell
hswipNix package
Embedding prolog in haskell
hsxNix package
HSX (Haskell Source with XML) allows literal XML syntax in Haskell source code
Hsp+jmacro support
XHTML utilities to use together with HSX
HSX (Haskell Source with XML) allows literal XML syntax in Haskell source code
FFI bindings to the Xen Control library
Pure Haskell YAML 1.2 processor
JSON to YAML Adapter
FFI to syscalls
FFI interface to syslog(3) from POSIX.1-2001
Syslog over TCP