Showing entries 9101-9200 out of 18547.
Generics JSON (de)serialization using generics-sop
Type-level JSON specification
Elm code generate for json-spec
Generated elm code for servant APIs
Keep program state in JSON files
Incremental applicative JSON parser
High-performance JSON parser and encoder
Please see the README on GitHub at
Automatic type declaration for JSON input data
Effectful parsing of JSON documents
Tokenize JSON
A collection of JSON tools
A polymorphic, type-safe, json-structured tracing library
Basic types for representing JSON
Library provides support for JSON
Support JSON for SQL Database
Defined JSON data types and function for renders JSON to string
Lossy conversion from JSON to Sugar
Utility to convert a file from JSON to YAML format
Serialising to and from JSON5
JSON parser that uses byte strings
Filter select values in JSON objects to unix programs
Combinators for bidirectional JSON parsing
Fast and simple JSON encoding toolkit
JSON Lines
Conduit interface to JSONL-encoded data
JsonLogic Evaluation
JsonLogic Aeson Support
Jsonnet implementaton in pure Haskell
Parse JSON
Library to parse and execute JSONPath
Parser and datatypes for the JSON Resume format
JSON-RPC 2.0 server over a Conduit
Tiny JSON-RPC client for Haskell Web3 library
JSON to JSON Schema
JSON Schema generator from Algebraic data type
Interpolate JSON object values into SQL strings
JSON to TSV transformer
Json to xlsx converter
Cherry picking in JSON objects
Extract substructures from JSON by following a path
Manage users in MariaDB >= 10.1.1
Tableau-based theorem prover for justification logic
Fast, scalable, mutable dynamic arrays, maps and hashes
Draw and fill lines, rectangles and polygons
SVG to G-Code converter
To use images of JuicyPixels from Cairo
Picture loading/serialization (in png, jpeg, bitmap, gif, tga, tiff and radiance)
BLP format decoder/encoder over JuicyPixels library
Blurhash is a very compact represenation of a placeholder for an image
Functions for drawing lines, squares and so on pixel by pixel
Efficiently scale, crop, flip images with JuicyPixels
Convenience functions to obtain array representations of images
Scale JuicyPixels images with DCT
Scale JuicyPixels images with stb_image_resize
Convert JuicyPixel images into RGBA format, flip, trim and so on
A first-order reasoning toolbox
Nothing to see here, move along
An elementary symmetric chiffre for pragmatically protecting one's effects
Producing JUnit-style XML test reports
Generic KVS API
Generic KVS API
Generic KVS API
A library for creating and using Jupyter kernels
JuPyTer notebook parser
Keyed container types with type-checked proofs of key presence
A simple and comprehensive Haskell parsing library
Call JVM methods from Haskell
Provides batched marshalling of values between Java and Haskell
A library for reading Java class-files
A parser for JVM bytecode files
Expose Java iterators as streams from the streaming package
JSON Web Token (JWT) decoding and encoding
Some utility functions for JYU projects
Application wrapper for the k8s environment
An implementation of the Kademlia DHT Protocol
Low-level Haskell client library for Apache Kafka 0.7
Synchronous Kafka Client
UI device events via a Kafka message broker
GLUT events via a Kafka message broker
Linux joystick events via a Kafka message broker
Leap Motion events via a Kafka message broker
Linux SpaceNavigator events via a Kafka message broker
VRPN events via a Kafka message broker
Serialization for kafka wire protocol
Haskell Kaleidoscope tutorial
Kalman and particle filters and smoothers
A slightly extended Kalman filter
Kan extensions, Kan lifts, the Yoneda lemma, and (co)density (co)monads
Binary parsing with random access
Perform 漢字検定 (Japan Kanji Aptitude Test) level analysis on Japanese Kanji
A JavaScript push mechanism based on the comet idiom
Kansas Lava is a hardware simulator and VHDL generator
FPGA Cores Written in Kansas Lava
Kansas Lava support files for the Papilio FPGA board
Shake rules for building Kansas Lava projects
Karabiner elements configuration generation
Good stateful automata