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Showing entries 7601-7700 out of 9323.
Python API to utilise the Somfy Synergy JsonRPC API
A client library to control garage door operators produced by SOMMER through their SOMweb device
Asynchronous Python client for the Sonarr API
Library to communicate with Sonos devices over websockets
Simple and extensible IRC bot
Thumbnails for Django
Thumbnails for Django
Python Sorted Collections
Python Sorted Container Types: SortedList, SortedDict, and SortedSet
Easily benchmark Machine Learning models on selected tasks and datasets
Pure-Python Real-Time Audio Library
Python wrapper for the v2 SoundCloud API
Play and Record Sound with Python
Audio library based on libsndfile, CFFI and NumPy
Audio library based on libsndfile, CFFI and NumPy
CSS4 selector implementation for Beautiful Soup
Quickly search, compare, and analyze genomic and metagenomic data sets
High quality, one-dimensional sample-rate conversion library
Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Align tokenizations for spaCy and transformers
Legacy registered functions for spaCy backwards compatibility
Logging utilities for spaCy
Additional lookup tables and data resources for spaCy
Toolkit for multi-domain Chinese word segmentation (spaCy fork)
SpaCy pipelines for pretrained BERT, XLNet and GPT-2
SPAKE2 password-authenticated key exchange library
Early-Algorithm Context-free grammar Parser
Early-Algorithm Context-free grammar Parser
This Python package implements Edward Tufte's concept of sparklines, but limited to text only
This is a wrapper around a SPARQL service
This is a wrapper around a SPARQL service
Sparse n-dimensional arrays computations
Neural network model repository for highly sparse and sparse-quantized models with matching sparsi…
Multi-dimensional spatial image data structure for scientific Python
Provides spatial maths capability for Python
SPDX license list database
SPDX license list query tool
SPDX parser and tools
Implements a lazy string for python useful for use with gettext
Implements a lazy string for python useful for use with gettext
Library for reading and analyzing astrophysical spectral data cubes
PyTorch-based Speech Toolkit
Speech recognition module for Python, supporting several engines and APIs, online and offline
Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using
PEG-based parser interpreter with memoization (in time)
Python bindings for C library for finding and handling crystal symmetries
Numpy-based NIST SPH audio-file reader
Python documentation generator
Sphinx extension that automatically documents argparse commands and options
Provides 'autodoc' style documentation
Provides 'autodoc' style documentation
Rebuild Sphinx documentation on changes, with live-reload in the browser
Type hints (PEP 484) support for the Sphinx autodoc extension
Sphinx extension that automatically generates API documentation for your Python packages
Sphinx extension for generating API documentation
Modernised skeleton for Sphinx themes
Clean book theme for scientific explanations and documentation with Sphinx
Sphinx extension that automatically documents click applications
Sphinx extension that makes code examples clickable
Add comments and annotation to your documentation
Small sphinx extension to add a "copy" button to code blocks
Sphinx extension for designing beautiful, view size responsive web components
Sphinx extension that allows the site-map to be defined in a single YAML file
Fortran domain and autodoc extensions to Sphinx
Sphinx extension for creating tooltips on the cross references of the documentation
Add inline tabbed content to your Sphinx documentation
Sphinx utility that make it easy to translate and to apply translation
Sphinx extension for linking to your project's issue tracker
Sphinx extension to include jinja templates in documentation
Latex specific features for jupyter book
Sphinx theme in the style of the LV2 plugin
Write markdown inside of docutils & sphinx projects
Sphinx extension for rendering tables written in markdown
Material-based, responsive theme inspired by mkdocs-material
Sphinx extension for including or writing pages in Markdown format
Supporting continuous HTML section numbering
Sphinx extension for building self-hosted versioned docs
Sphinx extension to create a custom 404 page with absolute URLs hardcoded
Sphinx extension for creating unselectable prompt
Helpful pytest fixtures for Sphinx extensions
Adds a toggleable dark mode to the Read the Docs theme for Sphinx
Sphinx theme for
Sphinx theme for
Spawns a simple HTTP server to preview your sphinx documents
Sitemap generator for Sphinx
Sphinx extension for creating tabbed content when building HTML
Testing utility classes and functions for Sphinx extensions
Integrate interactive code blocks into your documentation with Thebe and Binder
Toggle page content and collapse admonitions in Sphinx
Sphinx extension to show a warning banner at the top of your documentation
Sphinx extension for running sphinx-apidoc on each build
Sphinxcontrib-applehelp is a sphinx extension which outputs Apple help books
Sphinx extension to add asyncio-specific markups
Bayesian networks and factor graphs in Sphinx using TikZ syntax
Sphinx extension for BibTeX style citations