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Showing entries 4101-4200 out of 9329.
Lightweight MkDocs plugin to display git authors of a markdown page
MkDocs plugin for displaying a list of contributors on each page
MkDocs plugin that enables displaying the date of the last git modification of a page
MkDocs plugin to transform strings such as #1234, %56, or !789 into links to a Gitlab repository
Use Jupyter Notebook in mkdocs
Validate links in Markdown files for static site generators like MkDocs, Hugo or Jekyll
Create richer and more beautiful pages in MkDocs, by using variables and calls to macros in the ma…
Markdown extension resources for MkDocs Material
MkDocs plugin for including mermaid graphs in markdown sources
Mkdocs plugin to minify the HTML of a page before it is written to disk
Mkdocs plugin to minify the HTML of a page before it is written to disk
Open source plugin for Mkdocs page redirects
MkDocs plugin supports for add Redoc UI in page
MkDocs plugin to generate a RSS feeds for created and updated pages, using git log and YAML frontm…
MkDocs plugin supports for add Swagger UI in page
Automatic documentation from sources for MkDocs
Python handler for mkdocstrings
Python hooks for Intel(R)
Run pytest against markdown files/docstrings
ML Collections is a library of Python collections designed for ML usecases
Stand-alone implementation of several NumPy dtype extensions used in machine learning libraries
Open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle
Machine Learning, Randomized Optimization and SEarch
Array framework for Apple silicon
Library of Python tools and extensions for data science
Yet another version of PDBx/mmCIF Python implementation
Foundational Library for Computer Vision Research
Library for training deep learning models based on PyTorch
Python wrapper for MurmurHash3, a set of fast and robust hash functions
Media Meta Data retrieval framework
Python implementation of the MMTF API, decoder and encoder
Magnetoencephelography and electroencephalography in Python
Reference implementation of BIP-0039
Python utilities to download and parse the MNIST dataset
Library for Moat BLE devices
Library for unpacking unencrypted mobi files
Automation framework for special end-to-end test cases
Rolling backport of unittest.mock for all Pythons
Better mock for file I/O
Mock an entire service API based on requests-mock
Python mock SSH server for testing purposes
Socket mock framework for all kinds of sockets including web-clients
Simple mock filesystem for use in unit tests
Simulate a MongoDB server
Module for simple Modbus interactions
Python scrapper to access ModDB mods, games and more as objects
Object factory for Django
Hyperintensional theorem prover for counterfactual conditionals and modal operators
Python package for handling ModelCIF mmCIF and BinaryCIF files
Universal data modeling for Python
High performance rendering for Python
Cross platform helper library for ModernGL making window creation and resource loading simple
Library for building interactive maps
Python library for Hawk HTTP authorization
Unique molecular identifiers for molecular barcoding
Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles
Collection on molecule plugins
Urban Morphology Measuring Toolkit
Pytorch framework (based on Ignite) for deep learning in medical imaging
Framework and tools to design, develop and verify AI applications in healthcare imaging
Comprehensive Python module for handling Monero
MongoDB-backed Python dict-like interface
MongoEngine is a Python Object-Document Mapper for working with MongoDB
Fake pymongo stub for testing simple MongoDB-dependent code
Python implementation of mongodb queries
Python monitor controls using DDC-CI
Small library to assist users of the python shell who work in contexts where printed numbers are m…
Python library that generates static type annotations by collecting runtime types
Implementation of time.monotonic() for Python 2 & < 3.3
Monotonically align text and speech
Serves as a complement to the Python standard library by providing a suite of tools to solve many …
Module to work with the Monzo API
Python API for the Moonraker API
Library for Mopeka IoT BLE devices
Expansion of the itertools module
Collection of property variants
Construct and use map tile grids in different projection
Wrapper to make difflib.unified_diff more fun to use
Many more basic tools for python 2/3 extending itertools, functools, operator and collections
Tool for unsupervised and semi-supervised morphological segmentation
Smart conversions between unicode and bytes types
Mortgage calculator
Python library for interfacing with Motion Blinds
Module to interface with Motionblinds motors using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
Python library for motionEye
Allows your tests to easily mock out AWS Services
Non-blocking MongoDB driver for Tornado or asyncio
Application to display XY position and RGB color information for the pixel currently under the mou…
Video editing with Python
REST API for the Bang & Olufsen Mozart platform
Django OpenID Connect library
MPEG-DASH MPD(Media Presentation Description) Parser
Python bindings for the Message Passing Interface standard
Fast scatter density plots for Matplotlib
Typst backend for matplotlib
Interactive data selection cursors for Matplotlib