Showing entries 5201-5300 out of 9329.
Python module to check whether versions number match PEP 440
Wrappers to build Python packages using PEP 517 hooks
Python style guide checker
Check PEP-8 naming conventions, plugin for flake8
Performance Estimation in Python
Library for converting a token stream into a data structure for use in web form posts
Adds flavor of interactive filtering to the traditional pipe concept of shell
Performance plots for Python code snippets
Extensible periodic table of the elements
Simple Scheduler for Dramatiq Task Queue
Django extension for creating forms that vary according to user permissions
Distances and representations of persistence diagrams
Thread-safe disk based persistent queue in Python
Automatic persistence for Python objects
Automate data discovering and access inside a list of packages
Python interface to Escea fireplaces
PESQ (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality) Wrapper for Python Users
API standard for multi-agent reinforcement learning environments, with popular reference environme…
Python library and tool for generating .pex (Python EXecutable) files
Module for editing JPEG EXIF data
Automate interactive console applications such as ssh, ftp, etc
Python port of the fzy fuzzy string matching algorithm
Python driver for PostgreSQL
Command-line interface for PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL Languages AST and statements prettifier
Python Library for learning (Structure and Parameter), inference (Probabilistic and Causal), and s…
Python library for parsing PGP packets
Pretty Good Privacy for Python
Checks the syntax of Postgresql SQL files
Meta-commands handler for Postgres Database
Pgvector support for Python
Library for Partially Homomorphic Encryption in Python
Phi_K correlation analyzer library
CLI and library to control Philips Android-powered TVs
Python module for receiving caller ID and call rejection
Simple text to phones converter for multiple languages
Python module for handling international phone numbers
Python module for handling international phone numbers
Modulefor phonon calculations at harmonic and quasi-harmonic levels
Astropy package for source detection and photometry
Lexer and parser for PHP source implemented using PLY
Port of the serialize and unserialize functions of PHP to Python
Pure Python spell checker, wrapping spylls a port of Hunspell
1Wire Sensor Library for Raspberry PI
Piano transcription inference package
Simple CoAP (RFC7252) toolkit
Clean and modern Sphinx theme
Module to create curses-based interactive selection list in the terminal
Tiny 'shelve'-like database with concurrency support
Curses-based (and pick-based) interactive picker for the terminal
Opinionated dependency injection framework
Optimized logging library for Python
Python interface to conic optimization solvers
Tool to simplify SVGs
Pidfile featuring stale detection and file-locking
Bringing the power of python to stream editing
Simplify Exif manipulations with Python
Library and resources for PiJuice HAT for Raspberry Pi
Pure-Python implementation of the AMQP 0-9-1 protocol
Pools for pikas
Read and write PDFs with Python, powered by qpdf
Collection of utilities and processors for the Python Imaging Library
Friendly PIL fork (Python Imaging Library)
Python library for working with HEIF images and plugin for Pillow
JPEG-LS plugin for the Python Pillow library
Eases the transition from PIL to Pillow for Python packages
Module to load video and sequential images in various formats
Python wrapper for
Pinecone python client
Embeddings plugin for Pinecone SDK
Plugin interface for the Pinecone python client
ICMP ping implementation using raw socket
Module to publishes data, models and other Python objects
Physical quantities module
Pandas support for pint
PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages
Importable pip API
A more relaxed pip freeze
Module to parse pip requirements
Live patches pip and requests to use system certs by default
Keeps your pinned dependencies fresh
Pip update helpers
Command line utility to show dependency tree of packages
Module to use infix notation
Phonemization libary used by Piper text to speech system
Library that enables function composition similar to using Unix pipes
Install and run Python applications in isolated environments
A Proximal Interior Point Quadratic Programming solver
Python binding for Coin
Display images on a kitty terminal with optional resizing
Library that helps create pixel style fonts
Set of pixel font utilities
RGB LED library for ReSpeaker 4 Mic Array, ReSpeaker V2 & ReSpeaker USB 6+1 Mic Array
Python module to work with PKCE
Python metadata sharing at runtime
Interface Python with pkg-config
Query metadatdata from sdists, bdists or installed packages
Query metadatdata from sdists, bdists or installed packages
Backport of Python 3.9’s pkgutil.resolve_name
Toolkit for multi-domain Chinese word segmentation