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Showing entries 1-26 out of 26.
Specifies the Buildbot directory
Specifies the Buildbot URL
List of Builders
List of Change Sources
Configurator Steps, see
Specifies the database connection string
Whether to enable the Buildbot continuous integration server
Extra configuration to append to master.cfg
List of extra groups that the buildbot user should be a part of
Extra python imports to prepend to master.cfg
Factory Steps
Primary group of buildbot user
Buildbot home directory
Specifies the bind address on which the buildbot HTTP interface listens
Optionally pass master.cfg path
The buildbot-full package to use
Packages to add to PATH for the buildbot process
The buildmaster will listen on a TCP port of your choosing for connections from workers
Specifies port number on which the buildbot HTTP interface listens
Packages to add the to the PYTHONPATH of the buildbot process
List of reporter objects used to present build status to various users
List of Schedulers
Specifies the Buildbot Title
Specifies the Buildbot TitleURL
User the buildbot server should execute under
List of Workers