Showing entries 1-18 out of 18.
Sets the border color for the focused window (format: 0xAARRGGBB)
If set to true, the (slower) accessibility API is used to resolve the focused window
Sets the background fill color for all windows (only 0xAARRGGBB arguments supported)
The applications specified here are excluded from being bordered
Sets the blur radius applied to the borders or backgrounds with transparency
Whether to enable jankyborders
Whether to enable Enable the jankyborders service
Absolute path to log all stderr output
If set to on, the border will be drawn with retina resolution
Sets the border color for all windows not in focus (format: 0xAARRGGBB)
Specifies whether borders should be drawn above or below windows
Absolute path to log all stdout output
The jankyborders package to use
The jankyborders package to use
Configuration settings to passed to borders in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/borders/bordersc
Specifies the style of the border (either round or square)
Once this list is populated, only applications listed here are considered for receiving a border
Determines the width of the border