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Showing entries 1-33 out of 33.
etcdNixOS option-set
Kubernetes apiserver IP address on which to advertise the apiserver to members of the cluster
Whether to allow privileged containers on Kubernetes
Kubernetes apiserver ServiceAccount issuer
Kubernetes apiserver authorization mode (AlwaysAllow/AlwaysDeny/ABAC/Webhook/RBAC/Node)
Kubernetes apiserver authorization policy file
Kubernetes apiserver basic authentication file
The IP address on which to listen for the --secure-port port
Kubernetes apiserver CA file for client auth
Kubernetes admission control plugins to disable
Whether to enable Kubernetes apiserver
Kubernetes admission control plugins to enable
Kubernetes apiserver extra command line options
Extra x509 Subject Alternative Names to be added to the kubernetes apiserver tls cert
List set of feature gates
Path to a cert file for connecting to kubelet
Client certificate to use for connections to kubelet
Key to use for connections to kubelet
List of the preferred NodeAddressTypes to use for kubelet connections
Client certificate to use for connections to proxy
Key to use for connections to proxy
Api runtime configuration
Kubernetes apiserver secure port
Kubernetes apiserver ServiceAccount issuer
File containing PEM-encoded x509 RSA or ECDSA private or public keys, used to verify ServiceAccoun…
Path to the file that contains the current private key of the service account token issuer
A CIDR notation IP range from which to assign service cluster IPs
Kubernetes apiserver storage backend
Kubernetes apiserver certificate file
Kubernetes apiserver private key file
Kubernetes apiserver token authentication file
Optional glog verbosity level for logging statements
Kubernetes apiserver Webhook config file