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Showing entries 1-18 out of 18.
matterircdNixOS option-set
Whether to enable Mattermost chat server
Environment file (see systemd.exec(5) "EnvironmentFile=" section for the syntax) which sets config…
Additional configuration options as Nix attribute set in config.json schema
Group which runs the Mattermost service
Address and port this Mattermost instance listens to
Create a local PostgreSQL database for Mattermost automatically
Local Mattermost database name
Password for local Mattermost database user
Local Mattermost database username
Whether the Mattermost config.json is writeable by Mattermost
The mattermost package to use
Plugins to add to the configuration
If both mutableConfig and this option are set, the Nix configuration will take precedence over any…
Name of this Mattermost site
URL this Mattermost instance is reachable under, without trailing slash
Mattermost working directory
User which runs the Mattermost service