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Showing entries 1-30 out of 30.
Allow HTML in client messages, comments, and channel descriptions
Number of attempts a client is allowed to make in autobanTimeframe seconds, before being banned fo…
The amount of time an IP ban lasts (in seconds)
Timeframe in which a client can connect without being banned for repeated attempts (in seconds)
Maximum bandwidth (in bits per second) that clients may send speech at
Enable Bonjour auto-discovery, which allows clients over your LAN to automatically discover Murmur…
Require clients to authenticate via certificates
Enable D-Bus remote control
If enabled, start the Murmur Mumble server
Environment file as defined in systemd.exec(5).Secrets may be passed to the service without adding…
Extra configuration to put into murmur.ini
Host to bind to
Max length of image messages
How long to store RPC logs for in the database
Path to the log file for Murmur daemon
Open ports in the firewall for the Murmur Mumble server
The murmur package to use
Required password to join server, if specified
Ports to bind to (UDP and TCP)
DNS hostname where your server can be reached
Public server registration name, and also the name of the Root channel
Public server registry password, used authenticate your server to the registry to prevent imperson…
URL website for your server
Send Murmur version in UDP response
Path to your SSL CA certificate
Path to your SSL certificate
Path to your SSL key
Max length of text messages
Maximum number of concurrent clients allowed
Welcome message for connected clients