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Showing entries 1-35 out of 35.
activationScriptsNixOS option-set
autoUpgradeNixOS option-set
buildNixOS option-set
checksNixOS option-set
defaultsNixOS option-set
etcNixOS option-set
imageNixOS option-set
keyboardNixOS option-set
nixosNixOS option-set
nssDatabasesNixOS option-set
rebuildNixOS option-set
replaceDependenciesNixOS option-set
startupNixOS option-set
switchNixOS option-set
toolsNixOS option-set
system.activatableNixOS option
Whether to add the activation script to the system profile
A set of shell script fragments that are executed when a NixOS system configuration is activated. …
system.buildNixOS option
Attribute set of derivations used to set up the system
system.checksNixOS option
Packages that are added as dependencies of the system's build, usually for the purpose of validati…
system.configurationRevisionconfigurationRevisionNixOS option
The Git revision of the top-level flake from which this configuration was built
system.configurationRevisionconfigurationRevisionNixOS option
The Git revision of the top-level flake from which this configuration was built
If enabled, copies the NixOS configuration file (usually /etc/nixos/configuration.nix) and symlink…
system.darwinLabelNixOS option
Label to be used in the names of generated outputs
The nix-darwin release (e.g. 24.11)
A list of paths that should be included in the system closure but generally not visible to users
POSIX Extended Regular Expressions that match store paths that should not appear in the system clo…
Whether to include the build closure of the whole system in its runtime closure
system.nameNixOS option
The name of the system used in the derivation
The nixpkgs release (e.g. 24.11)
system.patchesNixOS option
Set of patches to apply to /.This can modify everything so use with caution
A set of shell script fragments that are executed before the switch to a new NixOS system configur…
system.profileNixOS option
Profile to use for the system
system.stateVersionstateVersionNixOS option
Every once in a while, a new nix-darwin release may change configuration defaults in a way incompa…
system.stateVersionstateVersionNixOS option
This option defines the first version of NixOS you have installed on this particular machine, and …
A set of shell script fragments that are executed by a systemd user service when a NixOS system co…