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Showing entries 1-12 out of 12.
lxqtNixOS option-set
wlrNixOS option-set
xdg.portal.configconfigNixOS option
Sets which portal backend should be used to provide the implementation for the requested interface
xdg.portal.configconfigNixOS option
Sets which portal backend should be used to provide the implementation for the requested interface
xdg.portal.configPackagesconfigPackagesNixOS option
List of packages that provide XDG desktop portal configuration, usually in the form of share/xdg-d…
xdg.portal.configPackagesconfigPackagesNixOS option
List of packages that provide XDG desktop portal configuration, usually in the form of share/xdg-d…
xdg.portal.enableenableNixOS option
Whether to enable XDG desktop integration
xdg.portal.enableenableNixOS option
Whether to enable xdg desktop integration
xdg.portal.extraPortalsextraPortalsNixOS option
List of additional portals that should be passed to the xdg-desktop-portal.service, via the XDG_DE…
xdg.portal.extraPortalsextraPortalsNixOS option
List of additional portals to add to path
xdg.portal.xdgOpenUsePortalxdgOpenUsePortalNixOS option
Sets environment variable NIXOS_XDG_OPEN_USE_PORTAL to 1
xdg.portal.xdgOpenUsePortalxdgOpenUsePortalNixOS option
Sets environment variable NIXOS_XDG_OPEN_USE_PORTAL to 1