Showing entries 1-100 out of 107.
Use ionCube-encoded files on a web server
PHP extension to communicate with any AMQP compliant server
Userland cache for PHP
Exposes the abstract syntax tree generated by PHP
PHP upstream extension: bcmath
PHP upstream extension: bz2
PHP upstream extension: calendar
Couchbase Server PHP extension
PHP upstream extension: ctype
PHP upstream extension: curl
PHP upstream extension: dba
Datadog Tracing PHP Client
Arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic for PHP
PHP upstream extension: dom
Extension providing efficient data structures for PHP
PHP upstream extension: enchant
Efficiently schedule I/O, time and signal based events using the best I/O notification mechanism a…
PHP upstream extension: exif
PHP upstream extension: ffi
PHP upstream extension: fileinfo
PHP upstream extension: filter
PHP upstream extension: ftp
PHP upstream extension: gd
PHP upstream extension: gettext
PHP upstream extension: gmp
PHP wrapper for GpgME library that provides access to GnuPG
High performance, open source, general RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first
PHP upstream extension: iconv
Binary serialization for PHP
Imagick is a native php extension to create and modify images using the ImageMagick API
PHP extension for checking the spelling of a word
Inotify bindings for PHP
PHP upstream extension: intl
PHP upstream extension: ldap
Mailparse is an extension for parsing and working with email messages
C extension that is a drop-in replacement for MaxMind\Db\Reader
PHP upstream extension: mbstring
PHP extension for interfacing with memcached
PHP extension for interfacing with memcached via libmemcached library
PHP extension to get insight about memory usage
Memory profiler for PHP
Official MongoDB PHP driver
PHP extension for interfacing with MessagePack
PHP upstream extension: mysqli
PHP upstream extension: mysqlnd
Extension for Oracle Database
PHP upstream extension: opcache
PHP upstream extension: openssl
PHP upstream extension: openssl-legacy
Coroutine-based concurrency library and high performance programmatic server for PHP
OpenTelemetry PHP auto-instrumentation extension
Parallel concurrency API
PHP upstream extension: pcntl
Self contained php-code-coverage compatible driver for PHP
PHP extension for Dlib
PHP upstream extension: pdo
PHP upstream extension: pdo_dblib
PHP upstream extension: pdo_mysql
The PHP PDO_OCI extension lets you access Oracle Database
PHP upstream extension: pdo_odbc
PHP upstream extension: pdo_pgsql
PHP upstream extension: pdo_sqlite
Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server
PHP upstream extension: pgsql
Phalcon is a full stack PHP framework offering low resource consumption and high performance
PHP extension for Pinba
PHP upstream extension: posix
Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data
PHP extension for checking the spelling of a word
Kafka client based on librdkafka
PHP upstream extension: readline
PHP extension for interfacing with Redis
PHP bindings to RRD tool system
PHP upstream extension: session
PHP upstream extension: shmop
PHP upstream extension: simplexml
PHP wrapper for libsmbclient
PHP upstream extension: snmp
Security module for php7 and php8 - Killing bugclasses and virtual-patching the rest!
PHP upstream extension: soap
PHP upstream extension: sockets
PHP upstream extension: sodium
Simple & straight-to-the-point PHP profiling extension with its built-in web UI
PHP upstream extension: sqlite3
Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server
PHP bindings for the libssh2 library
Coroutine-based concurrency library for PHP
PHP upstream extension: sysvmsg
PHP upstream extension: sysvsem
PHP upstream extension: sysvshm
PHP upstream extension: tidy
PHP upstream extension: tokenizer
A wrapper around Universally Unique IDentifier library (libuuid)
Interface to libuv for php
Vulcan Logic Dumper hooks into the Zend Engine and dumps all the opcodes (execution units) of a sc…
Provides functions for function traces and profiling
PHP upstream extension: xml
PHP upstream extension: xmlreader
PHP upstream extension: xmlwriter
PHP upstream extension: xsl