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Showing entries 1101-1200 out of 4445.
Danish variants of standard BibTeX styles
Macros related to "Introdktion til LaTeX"
Format DNA base sequences
Subfont numbers for DNP font encoding
A summary list of PicTeX documentation
Creating documentation from source code
Support for putting documents under a license
Document non-LaTeX code
Input files ignoring LaTeX preamble, etc
TeX samples next to their PDF snapshots
A survey of LaTeX documentation
Tools for the documentation of LaTeX code
Documentation support for C, Java and assembler code
Helper commands and element definitions for Docutils LaTeX output
Create correct hyperlinks for DOI numbers
Special commands for use in bibliographies
Drop-in replacement for Palatino
Deal with DOS binary EPS files
Create graphs within LaTeX using the dot2tex tool
Extendable dotted arrows
Provides dotless i's and j's for use in any math font
Flush left equations with dotted leaders to the numbers
Use dot code in LaTeX
Typeset mathematical double stroke symbols
A font for typesetting the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
Apply a command to a list of items
Allow LaTeX to download files using an external process
Extend the doc package
Typeset documents using base twelve numbering (also called "dozenal")
Decorated text boxes using TikZ
Support for double-page floats
LaTeX-relevant log information for debugging
Declare active character substitution, robustly
Identify draft copies
Replace figures with a white box and additional features
Put a grey textual watermark on document pages
Typeset dramas, both in verse and in prose
General drawing macros
How to draw technical diagrams with MetaPost
Draw visual representations of matrices in LaTeX
Draw execution stacks
A complete family of fonts written in Metafont
LaTeX support for the Droid font families
Document class and bibliographic style for French law
Typeset Discourse Representation Structures (DRS)
Derivation trees with MetaPost
Macros for Digital Signal Processing plots
A double-struck serifed font for mathematical use
Document class for the journal of DANTE
Bibliography of "Die TeXnische Komodie"
Tools to dis-assemble and re-assemble DVI files
Describe additional object types in dtx source files
A small collection of minimal DTX examples
Creates a template for a self-extracting .dtx file
Tutorial on writing .dtx and .ins files
Draw ASCII art of animals saying a specified message
Create duckified dummy content
Computer Duerer fonts
LaTeX support for the Duerer fonts
Drawing package for circuit and duotensor diagrams
A reworking of ESSTIX13, adding a bold version
A class for typesetting DVD archives
Facilities for setting interlinear glossed text
Produce ASCII from DVI
A utility for editing DVI files
Copy DVI files, flattening VFs
Convert one DVI file into another
Include a DVI page into MetaPost output
Perl script to print DVI meta information
DVI to Laserjet output
This package cannot be installed or used directly
An extended version of dvipdfm
A fast DVI to PNG/GIF converter
Support DVI pos: specials used by ConTeXt DVI output
A DVI to PostScript driver
Collection of dvips PostScript headers
Convert DVI, EPS, and PDF files to Scalable Vector Graphics format (SVG)
Dynamically typeset numbers and values in LaTeX through "symbolic links"
A simple way to create dynamic blocks for Beamer
Draw Dynkin, Coxeter, and Satake diagrams using TikZ
Construct Dynkin tree diagrams
Comprehensive LaTeX support for French-language typesetting
Macros for making EAN barcodes
Print EAN13 for ISBN
Easing functions for pgfmath
A collection of easy-to-use macros
To-do notes in a document
Easily typesetting Chinese theses or books
A simplified DTX format
Simplifying the use of common figures
An easier interface to insert figures, tables and other objects in LaTeX
Easily add boldface, italics and smallcaps
Lists using a single active character
Package to provide a way to review (or perform editorial process) in LaTeX
Device independent picture environment enhancement
LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts
LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts in mathematics
Utility for writing Bengali in Rapid Roman Format
Helps creating an ebook by providing an ebook class
Formal proofs in the style of sequent calculus