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Showing entries 1-100 out of 197.
csoundaudio/csoundNix package categories
magnetophondspNix package categories
pd-pluginsNix package categories
abcdeNix package
Command-line audio CD ripper
adlplug-unstableNix package
OPL3 FM Chip Synthesizer
aeolusNix package
Synthetized (not sampled) pipe organ emulator
airwaveNix package
WINE-based VST bridge for Linux VST hosts
amarokNix package
Powerful music player with an intuitive interface
ardourardourNix package
Multi-track hard disk recording software
ardourardour_7Nix package
Multi-track hard disk recording software
bambootrackerbambootrackerNix package
Tracker for YM2608 (OPNA) which was used in NEC PC-8801/9801 series computers
bambootrackerbambootracker-qt6Nix package
Tracker for YM2608 (OPNA) which was used in NEC PC-8801/9801 series computers
bitwig-studiobitwig-studioNix package
bitwig-studiobitwig-studio3Nix package
Digital audio workstation
bitwig-studiobitwig-studio4Nix package
Digital audio workstation
Digital audio workstation
bucklespringbucklespringNix package
Nostalgia bucklespring keyboard sound
bucklespringbucklespring-libinputNix package
Nostalgia bucklespring keyboard sound
calfNix package
Set of high quality open source audio plugins for musicians
carlaNix package
Audio plugin host
cd-discidNix package
Command-line utility to get CDDB discid information from a CD-ROM disc
cdparanoia-IIINix package
Tool and library for reading digital audio from CDs
chuckNix package
Programming language for real-time sound synthesis and music creation
clementineNix package
Multiplatform music player
cmusNix package
Small, fast and powerful console music player for Linux and *BSD
codecserverNix package
Modular audio codec server
csoundcsoundNix package
Sound design, audio synthesis, and signal processing system, providing facilities for music compos…
deadbeefNix package
Ultimate Music Player for GNU/Linux
dfasmaNix package
Analyse and compare audio files in time and frequency
drumkv1Nix package
Old-school drum-kit sampler synthesizer with stereo fx
easyabcNix package
ABC music notation editor
easyaudiosyncNix package
Audio library syncing and conversion utility
espeakNix package
Compact open source software speech synthesizer
espeak-ngNix package
Open source speech synthesizer that supports over 70 languages, based on eSpeak
espeakeditNix package
Phoneme editor for espeak
OSC injection/ejection from/to UDP/TCP/Serial for LV2
faustNix package
A functional programming language for realtime audio signal processing
faust2alqtNix package
The faust2alqt script, part of faust functional programming language for realtime audio signal pro…
faust2alsaNix package
The faust2alsa script, part of faust functional programming language for realtime audio signal pro…
faust2csoundNix package
The faust2csound script, part of faust functional programming language for realtime audio signal p…
faust2firefoxNix package
The faust2firefox script, part of faust functional programming language for realtime audio signal …
faust2jackNix package
The faust2jack script, part of faust functional programming language for realtime audio signal pro…
faust2jackrustNix package
The faust2jackrust script, part of faust functional programming language for realtime audio signal…
faust2jaqtNix package
The faust2jaqt script, part of faust functional programming language for realtime audio signal pro…
faust2ladspaNix package
The faust2ladspa script, part of faust functional programming language for realtime audio signal p…
faust2lv2Nix package
The faust2lv2 script, part of faust functional programming language for realtime audio signal proc…
faust2sc.pyNix package
The script, part of faust functional programming language for realtime audio signal pr…
faustliveNix package
Standalone just-in-time Faust compiler
flaconNix package
Extracts audio tracks from an audio CD image to separate tracks
fluidsynthNix package
Real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications
fmitNix package
Free Musical Instrument Tuner
Realtime audio frequency spectral manipulation
ft2-cloneNix package
Highly accurate clone of the classic Fasttracker II software for MS-DOS
goattrackerNix package
Crossplatform music editor for creating Commodore 64 music
Crossplatform music editor for creating Commodore 64 music
grandorgueNix package
Virtual Pipe Organ Software
gregNix package
Command-line podcast aggregator
guitarixNix package
Virtual guitar amplifier for Linux running with JACK
hqplayer-desktopNix package
High-end upsampling multichannel software HD-audio player
Mute your microphone while typing
hydrogenNix package
Advanced drum machine
iannix-unstableNix package
Graphical open-source sequencer
Real-time pitch and formant tracking software
Tiny application that reacts on port registrations by clients and connects them
jackmixjackmixNix package
Matrix-Mixer for the Jack-Audio-connection-Kit
jackmixjackmix_jack1Nix package
Matrix-Mixer for the Jack-Audio-connection-Kit
jamesdspjamesdspNix package
Audio effect processor for PipeWire clients
jamesdspjamesdsp-pulseNix package
Audio effect processor for PipeWire clients
Just-in-Time C/Rust compiler embedded in an LV2 plugin
kmetronomeNix package
ALSA MIDI metronome with Qt interface
ladspa-sdkNix package
SDK for the LADSPA audio plugin standard
ladspa.hNix package
LADSPA format audio plugins header file
libmpg123Nix package
Fast console MPEG Audio Player and decoder library
libmt32emuNix package
Library to emulate Roland MT-32, CM-32L, CM-64 and LAPC-I devices
librespotNix package
Open Source Spotify client library and playback daemon
linvstmanagerNix package
Graphical companion application for various bridges like LinVst, etc
listenbrainz-mpdNix package
ListenBrainz submission client for MPD
littlegptrackerNix package
Music tracker optimised to run on portable game consoles
lmmsNix package
DAW similar to FL Studio (music production software)
lpd8editorNix package
Linux editor for the Akai LPD8
lv2lintNix package
Check whether a given LV2 plugin is up to the specification
m32-editNix package
Editor for the Midas M32 digital mixer
master_meNix package
Automatic mastering plugin for live streaming, podcasts and internet radio
mbrolaNix package
Speech synthesizer based on the concatenation of diphones
MellowPlayerNix package
Cloud music integration for your desktop
Just-in-time FAUST embedded in an LV2 plugin
LV2 MIDI channel matrix patcher
midivisualizerMIDIVisualizerNix package
Small MIDI visualizer tool, using OpenGL
midivisualizermidivisualizerNix package
Small MIDI visualizer tool, using OpenGL
miniaudicleNix package
Light-weight integrated development environment for the ChucK digital audio programming language
minidspNix package
Control interface for some MiniDSP products
mixxxNix package
Digital DJ mixing software
mmlguiNix package
MML (Music Macro Language) editor and compiler GUI, powered by the ctrmml framework
mocNix package
Terminal audio player designed to be powerful and easy to use
Realtime Lua as programmable glue in LV2
mopidyNix package
Extensible music server that plays music from local disk, Spotify, SoundCloud, and more
Mopidy-BandcampNix package
Mopidy extension for playing music from bandcamp
Mopidy-IrisNix package
Fully-functional Mopidy web client encompassing Spotify and many other backends
mopidy-jellyfinNix package
Mopidy extension for playing audio files from Jellyfin
Mopidy-LocalNix package
Mopidy extension for playing music from your local music archive