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Showing entries 1-100 out of 107.
emacseditors/emacsNix package categories
jupyter-kernelsNix package categories
kakouneeditors/kakouneNix package categories
neovimeditors/neovimNix package categories
sublimeNix package categories
vimeditors/vimNix package categories
vscodeNix package categories
Official IDE for Android (beta channel)
Official IDE for Android (canary channel)
Official IDE for Android (dev channel)
The Official IDE for Android platform development
The Official IDE for Android platform development
android-studio-stableandroid-studioNix package
Official IDE for Android (stable channel)
android-studio-stableandroid-studio-fullNix package
Official IDE for Android (stable channel)
aquaNix package
Test automation IDE from JetBrains
bluefishNix package
Powerful editor targeted towards programmers and webdevelopers
clionNix package
C/C++ IDE from JetBrains
codeNix package
Wrapped variant of vscode which launches in a FHS compatible environment
code-browsercode-browser-gtkNix package
Folding text editor, designed to hierarchically structure any kind of text file and especially sou…
code-browsercode-browser-gtk2Nix package
Folding text editor, designed to hierarchically structure any kind of text file and especially sou…
code-browsercode-browser-qtNix package
Folding text editor, designed to hierarchically structure any kind of text file and especially sou…
codiumNix package
Wrapped variant of vscodium which launches in a FHS compatible environment
cpeditorNix package
IDE specially designed for competitive programming
cudatextcudatextNix package
Cross-platform code editor
cudatextcudatext-gtkNix package
Cross-platform code editor
Database IDE from JetBrains
Data science IDE from JetBrains
Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers and Eclipse Platform Plugin Developers
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers
Eclipse IDE for Embedded C/C++ Developers
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers
Eclipse Modeling Tools
Eclipse Platform 2024-12
Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP Developers
Eclipse 2024-12 Classic
emacsemacsNix package
Extensible, customizable GNU text editor
emacsemacsNativeCompNix package
Extensible, customizable GNU text editor
emacs-gtk3Nix package
Extensible, customizable GNU text editor
emacs-mac-macportemacs-macportNix package
Extensible, customizable GNU text editor - macport variant
emacs-mac-macportemacs28-macportNix package
Extensible, customizable GNU text editor - macport variant
emacs-mac-macportemacsMacportNix package
Extensible, customizable GNU text editor - macport variant
emacs-noxNix package
Extensible, customizable GNU text editor
emacs-pgtkNix package
Extensible, customizable GNU text editor
featherpadNix package
Lightweight Qt5 Plain-Text Editor for Linux
focuswriterNix package
Simple, distraction-free writing environment
formikoNix package
ReStructuredText editor and live previewer
gatewayNix package
Remote development for JetBrains products
geanyNix package
Small and lightweight IDE
golandNix package
Go IDE from JetBrains
greenfootNix package
Simple integrated development environment for Java
idea-communityidea-communityNix package
Free Java, Kotlin, Groovy and Scala IDE from jetbrains (built from source)
idea-communityidea-community-binNix package
Free Java, Kotlin, Groovy and Scala IDE from jetbrains (patched binaries from jetbrains)
idea-communityidea-community-srcNix package
Free Java, Kotlin, Groovy and Scala IDE from jetbrains (built from source)
Paid-for Java, Kotlin, Groovy and Scala IDE from jetbrains
kakounekakouneNix package
Vim inspired text editor
Vim inspired text editor
lapceNix package
Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust
leo-editorNix package
A powerful folding editor
librespriteNix package
Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool, fork of Aseprite
lite-xlNix package
Lightweight text editor written in Lua
macvimNix package
Vim - the text editor - for macOS
manuskriptNix package
Open-source tool for writers
mindforgerNix package
Thinking Notebook & Markdown IDE
molsketchNix package
2D molecule editor
mpsNix package
IDE for building domain-specific languages from JetBrains
nanoNix package
Small, user-friendly console text editor
neovimneovimNix package
Vim text editor fork focused on extensibility and agility
notepadqqNix package
Notepad++-like editor for the Linux desktop
oktetaNix package
Hex editor
PHP IDE from JetBrains
pinegrowpinegrowNix package
UI Web Editor
pinegrowpinegrow6Nix package
UI Web Editor
pycharm-communitypycharm-communityNix package
Free Python IDE from JetBrains (built from source)
pycharm-communitypycharm-community-binNix package
Free Python IDE from JetBrains (patched binaries from jetbrains)
pycharm-communitypycharm-community-srcNix package
Free Python IDE from JetBrains (built from source)
Paid-for Python IDE from JetBrains
qxmleditNix package
Simple XML editor based on qt libraries
rednotebookNix package
Modern journal that includes a calendar navigation, customizable templates, export functionality a…
retextNix package
Editor for Markdown and reStructuredText
riderNix package
.NET IDE from JetBrains
RStudiorstudioNix package
Set of integrated tools for the R language
RStudiorstudio-serverNix package
Set of integrated tools for the R language
Ruby IDE from JetBrains
Rust IDE from JetBrains
sigilNix package
Free, open source, multi-platform ebook (ePub) editor
standardnotesNix package
Simple and private notes app
texmacsNix package
WYSIWYW editing platform with special features for scientists
texmakerNix package
TeX and LaTeX editor
textadeptNix package
Extensible text editor based on Scintilla with Lua scripting
texworksNix package
Simple TeX front-end program inspired by TeXShop
tiledNix package
Free, easy to use and flexible tile map editor
vimvimNix package
Most popular clone of the VI editor
vim-darwinNix package
vim-fullvim-fullNix package
Most popular clone of the VI editor
vim-fullvim_configurableNix package
Most popular clone of the VI editor
vim-fullvimHugeXNix package
Most popular clone of the VI editor
vimacsNix package
Vim-Improved eMACS: