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Showing entries 1-100 out of 107.
gimpgraphics/gimpNix package categories
inkscapegraphics/inkscapeNix package categories
saneNix package categories
antimonyNix package
Computer-aided design (CAD) tool from a parallel universe
apitraceNix package
Tools to trace OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Direct3D, and DirectDraw APIs
apngasmapngasmNix package
Create an APNG from multiple PNG files
apngasmapngasm_2Nix package
Create highly optimized Animated PNG files from PNG/TGA images
awesomebumpNix package
Program to generate normal, height, specular or ambient occlusion textures from a single image
c3dNix package
Medical imaging processing tool
cloudcompareNix package
3D point cloud and mesh processing software
djviewNix package
Portable DjVu viewer (Qt5) and browser (nsdejavu) plugin
drawioNix package
Desktop version of for creating diagrams
drawio-headlessNix package
Xvfb wrapper around drawio
drawpiledrawpileNix package
Collaborative drawing program that allows multiple users to sketch on the same canvas simultaneous…
drawpiledrawpile-server-headlessNix package
Collaborative drawing program that allows multiple users to sketch on the same canvas simultaneous…
eddyNix package
Graphical editor for the specification and visualization of Graphol ontologies
emulsionNix package
Fast and minimalistic image viewer
epickNix package
Simple color picker that lets the user create harmonic palettes with ease
evilpixieNix package
Pixel-oriented paint program, modelled on Deluxe Paint
f3df3dNix package
Fast and minimalist 3D viewer using VTK
f3df3d_eglNix package
Fast and minimalist 3D viewer using VTK
f3dpython312Packages.f3dNix package
Fast and minimalist 3D viewer using VTK
f3dpython312Packages.f3d_eglNix package
Fast and minimalist 3D viewer using VTK
f3dpython313Packages.f3dNix package
Fast and minimalist 3D viewer using VTK
f3dpython313Packages.f3d_eglNix package
Fast and minimalist 3D viewer using VTK
fehNix package
Light-weight image viewer
fontmatrixNix package
Fontmatrix is a free/libre font explorer for Linux, Windows and Mac
foxotronNix package
General purpose model viewer
fstlNix package
Fastest STL file viewer
gimpgimpNix package
GNU Image Manipulation Program
GNU Image Manipulation Program
GLabels Label Designer (Qt/C++)
gnome-decoderNix package
Scan and Generate QR Codes
gnome-obfuscateNix package
Censor private information
hdrmergeNix package
Combines two or more raw images into an HDR
This is an extension for creating hex grids in Inkscape
huginNix package
Toolkit for stitching photographs and assembling panoramas, together with an easy to use graphical…
image_optimNix package
Optimize images using multiple utilities
imagemagickimagemagickNix package
Software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images
imagemagickimagemagick6Nix package
Software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images
imagemagickimagemagick6_lightNix package
Software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images
imagemagickimagemagick6BigNix package
Software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images
imagemagickimagemagick_lightNix package
Software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images
imagemagickimagemagickBigNix package
Software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images
imgpNix package
High-performance CLI batch image resizer & rotator
imlibsetrootNix package
Xinerama Aware Background Changer
inkscapeinkscapeNix package
Vector graphics editor
Vector graphics editor
ipeNix package
Editor for drawing figures
kccNix package
Python app to convert comic/manga files or folders to EPUB, Panel View MOBI or E-Ink optimized CBZ
kgraphviewerNix package
Graphviz dot graph viewer for KDE
kodelifeNix package
Real-time GPU shader editor
kritaNix package
Free and open source painting application
leocadNix package
lightburnNix package
Layout, editing, and control software for your laser cutter
luminance-hdrNix package
Complete open source solution for HDR photography
mandelbulberNix package
3D fractal rendering engine
menyokiNix package
Screen{shot,cast} and perform ImageOps on the command line
meshlabNix package
System for processing and editing 3D triangular meshes
meshlab-unstableNix package
System for processing and editing 3D triangular meshes (unstable)
nufrawnufrawNix package
Utility to read and manipulate raw images from digital cameras
nufrawnufraw-thumbnailerNix package
Utility to read and manipulate raw images from digital cameras
openboardNix package
Interactive whiteboard application
openscadNix package
3D parametric model compiler
opentoonzNix package
Full-featured 2D animation creation software
ovitoNix package
Scientific visualization and analysis software for atomistic and particle simulation data
paraviewNix package
3D Data analysis and visualization application
pencilNix package
GUI prototyping/mockup tool
photoflareNix package
Cross-platform image editor with a powerful features and a very friendly graphical user interface
phototonicNix package
Image viewer and organizer
Homebrew lightweight image viewer
pixinsightNix package
Scientific image processing program for astrophotography
processingNix package
Language and IDE for electronic arts
pymeshlabpython312PackagesNix package
Open source mesh processing python library
pymeshlabpython313PackagesNix package
Open source mesh processing python library
Colour picker that remembers where you picked colours from
qcomicbookNix package
Comic book reader in Qt5
qimgvNix package
Qt5 image viewer with optional video support
qivNix package
Quick image viewer
qosmicNix package
Cosmic recursive flame fractal editor
Simple creation and editing of screenshots
qtikzNix package
Editor for the TikZ language
qvgeNix package
Qt Visual Graph Editor
qviewNix package
Practical and minimal image viewer
Photo and video importer for cameras, phones, and memory cards
rawtherapeeNix package
RAW converter and digital photo processing software
sane-frontendsNix package
Scanner Access Now Easy
scantailor-advancedscantailorNix package
Interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages (vigri's fork)
scantailor-advancedscantailor-advancedNix package
Interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages (vigri's fork)
Interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages
seamly2dNix package
Open source patternmaking software
Tool for restoring blurry and defocused images
sxivNix package
Simple X Image Viewer
tesseracttesseractNix package
OCR engine
tesseracttesseract3Nix package
OCR engine
tesseracttesseract4Nix package
OCR engine
Unigine Heaven GPU benchmarking tool
Unigine Superposition GPU benchmarking tool
unigine-tropicsNix package
Unigine Heaven GPU benchmarking tool
vengi-toolsNix package
Tools from the vengi voxel engine, including a thumbnailer, a converter, and the VoxEdit voxel edi…