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Showing entries 1-100 out of 367.
helmnetworking/cluster/helmNix package categories
nixopsNix package categories
acornNix package
A simple application deployment framework for Kubernetes
aiacNix package
Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure-as-Code Generator
argoNix package
Container native workflow engine for Kubernetes
argo-rolloutsNix package
Kubernetes Progressive Delivery Controller
argocdNix package
Declarative continuous deployment for Kubernetes
argocd-autopilotNix package
ArgoCD Autopilot
arkadeNix package
Open Source Kubernetes Marketplace
assign-lb-ipNix package
Assigns loadBalancerIP address to a Kubernetes service for testing purposes
atlantisNix package
Terraform Pull Request Automation
atmosNix package
Universal Tool for DevOps and Cloud Automation (works with terraform, helm, helmfile, etc)
bosh-cliNix package
A command line interface to CloudFoundry BOSH
calico-apiserverNix package
Cloud native networking and network security
Cloud native networking and network security
Cloud native networking and network security
Cloud native networking and network security
Cloud native networking and network security
calico-typhaNix package
Cloud native networking and network security
calicoctlNix package
Cloud native networking and network security
cilium-cliNix package
CLI to install, manage & troubleshoot Kubernetes clusters running Cilium
civoNix package
CLI for interacting with Civo resources
clickNix package
The "Command Line Interactive Controller for Kubernetes"
cloudfoundry-cliNix package
The official command line client for Cloud Foundry
clusterctlNix package
Kubernetes cluster API tool
cmctlNix package
A CLI tool for managing cert-manager service on Kubernetes clusters
cniNix package
Container Network Interface - networking for Linux containers
DNS name resolution for containers
cni-pluginsNix package
Some standard networking plugins, maintained by the CNI team
confd-calicoNix package
Cloud native networking and network security
containerpilotNix package
An application centric micro-orchestrator
HyperKit driver for docker-machine
KVM2 driver for docker-machine
driftctlNix package
Detect, track and alert on infrastructure drift
eks-node-viewerNix package
Tool to visualize dynamic node usage within a cluster
falcoctlNix package
Administrative tooling for Falco
fetchitNix package
A tool to manage the life cycle and configuration of Podman containers
flinkNix package
A distributed stream processing framework
fluxcdNix package
Open and extensible continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes
fluxctlNix package
CLI client for Flux, the GitOps Kubernetes operator
fnNix package
Command-line tool for the fn project
funcNix package
The Knative client library and CLI for creating, building, and deploying Knative Functions
gatekeeperNix package
Policy Controller for Kubernetes
glooctlNix package
Glooctl is the unified CLI for Gloo
habitatNix package
An application automation framework
hashi-upNix package
A lightweight utility to install HashiCorp Consul, Nomad, or Vault on any remote Linux host
helmkubernetes-helm-wrappedNix package
A package manager for kubernetes
helm-dashboardNix package
A simplified way of working with Helm
helm-docsNix package
A tool for automatically generating markdown documentation for Helm charts
helmfilehelmfileNix package
Declarative spec for deploying Helm charts
helmfilehelmfile-wrappedNix package
Declarative spec for deploying Helm charts
helmsmanNix package
Helm Charts (k8s applications) as Code tool
hetzner-kubeNix package
A CLI tool for provisioning Kubernetes clusters on Hetzner Cloud
hubbleNix package
Network, Service & Security Observability for Kubernetes using eBPF
inframapNix package
Read your tfstate or HCL to generate a graph specific for each provider, showing only the resource…
istioctlNix package
Istio configuration command line utility for service operators to debug and diagnose their Istio m…
jxNix package
Command line tool for installing and using Jenkins X
k0sctlNix package
A bootstrapping and management tool for k0s clusters
k3dk3dNix package
A helper to run k3s (Lightweight Kubernetes
k3dkube3dNix package
A helper to run k3s (Lightweight Kubernetes
k3sk3sNix package
A lightweight Kubernetes distribution
k3sk3s_1_26Nix package
A lightweight Kubernetes distribution
k3sk3s_1_27Nix package
A lightweight Kubernetes distribution
k3sk3s_1_28Nix package
A lightweight Kubernetes distribution
k3supNix package
Bootstrap Kubernetes with k3s over SSH
k8sgptNix package
Giving Kubernetes Superpowers to everyone
k9sNix package
Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style
kanifNix package
Cluster management and administration swiss army knife
kanikoNix package
A tool to build container images from a Dockerfile, inside a container or Kubernetes cluster
karmorNix package
A client tool to help manage KubeArmor
kbstNix package
Kubestack framework CLI
kconfNix package
An opinionated command line tool for managing multiple kubeconfigs
kfiltNix package
Command-line tool that filters Kubernetes resources
kluctlNix package
The missing glue to put together large Kubernetes deployments
knNix package
The Knative client kn is your door to the Knative world
kns-unstableNix package
Kubernetes namespace switcher
komposeNix package
A tool to help users who are familiar with docker-compose move to Kubernetes
kontemplateNix package
Extremely simple Kubernetes resource templates
kopskopsNix package
Easiest way to get a production Kubernetes up and running
kopskops_1_26Nix package
Easiest way to get a production Kubernetes up and running
kopskops_1_27Nix package
Easiest way to get a production Kubernetes up and running
kptNix package
A toolkit to help you manage, manipulate, customize, and apply Kubernetes Resource configuration d…
kraneNix package
A command-line tool that helps you ship changes to a Kubernetes namespace and understand the resul…
krelayNix package
A drop-in replacement for kubectl port-forward with some enhanced features
ktopNix package
A top-like tool for your Kubernetes cluster
ktunnelNix package
A cli that exposes your local resources to kubernetes
kube-capacityNix package
A simple CLI that provides an overview of the resource requests, limits, and utilization in a Kube…
kube-routerNix package
All-in-one router, firewall and service proxy for Kubernetes
kube-scoreNix package
Kubernetes object analysis with recommendations for improved reliability and security
kubebuilderNix package
SDK for building Kubernetes APIs using CRDs
kubecfgNix package
A tool for managing Kubernetes resources as code
kubecmNix package
Manage your kubeconfig more easily
kubecolorNix package
Colorizes kubectl output
kubeconformNix package
A FAST Kubernetes manifests validator, with support for Custom Resources!
kubectlkubectlNix package
Kubernetes CLI
kubectlkubectl-convertNix package
Kubernetes CLI
kubectl-cnpgNix package
Plugin for kubectl to manage a CloudNativePG cluster in Kubernetes
kubectl-doctorNix package
Kubectl cluster triage plugin for k8s
This plugin evicts the given pod and is useful for testing pod disruption budget rules
kubectl-exampleNix package
Kubectl plugin for retrieving resource example YAMLs