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Showing entries 1-94 out of 94.
adolcNix package
Automatic Differentiation of C/C++
almondsNix package
Terminal Mandelbrot fractal viewer
bcalNix package
Storage conversion and expression calculator
blissNix package
Open source tool for computing automorphism groups and canonical forms of graphs
caffecaffeNix package
Deep learning framework
caffecaffeWithCudaNix package
Deep learning framework
caffepython311Packages.caffeNix package
Deep learning framework
caffepython311Packages.caffeWithCudaNix package
Deep learning framework
caffepython312Packages.caffeNix package
Deep learning framework
caffepython312Packages.caffeWithCudaNix package
Deep learning framework
calcNix package
C-style arbitrary precision calculator
calculixNix package
Three-dimensional structural finite element program
cbcNix package
Mixed integer programming solver
CEmuNix package
Third-party TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE emulator, focused on developer features
clpNix package
Open-source linear programming solver written in C++
ColPackNix package
Package comprising of implementations of algorithms for vertex coloring and derivative computation
cplexNix package
Optimization solver for mathematical programming
csdpNix package
C Library for Semidefinite Programming
ecmNix package
Elliptic Curve Method for Integer Factorization
eigenmathNix package
Computer algebra system written in C
Engauge Digitizer is a tool for recovering graph data from an image file
eukleidesNix package
Geometry Drawing Language
formNix package
FORM project for symbolic manipulation of very big expressions
fricasNix package
Advanced computer algebra system
gapgapNix package
Computational discrete algebra system
gapgap-fullNix package
Computational discrete algebra system
gapgap-minimalNix package
Computational discrete algebra system
geogebrageogebraNix package
Dynamic mathematics software with graphics, algebra and spreadsheets
geogebrageogebra6Nix package
Dynamic mathematics software with graphics, algebra and spreadsheets
getdpNix package
General Environment for the Treatment of Discrete Problems
gfanNix package
Software package for computing Gröbner fans and tropical varieties
giacNix package
Free computer algebra system (CAS)
giac-with-xcasNix package
Free computer algebra system (CAS)
ginacNix package
GiNaC is Not a CAS
glsurfNix package
Program to draw implicit surfaces and curves
gmshgmshNix package
Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator
gmshpython311Packages.gmshNix package
Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator
gmshpython312Packages.gmshNix package
Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator
gp2cNix package
Compiler to translate GP scripts to PARI programs
gretlNix package
Software package for econometric analysis
gurobiNix package
Optimization solver for mathematical programming
hmetisNix package
HMETIS is a set of programs for partitioning hypergraphs
JAGSNix package
Just Another Gibbs Sampler
labplotNix package
LabPlot is a FREE, open source and cross-platform Data Visualization and Analysis software accessi…
lieNix package
Computer algebra package for Lie group computations
lp_solveNix package
Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver
lrcalcNix package
Littlewood-Richardson calculator
mathematicamathematicaNix package
Wolfram Mathematica computational software system
mathematicamathematica-webdocNix package
Wolfram Mathematica computational software system
mathematica-cudamathematica-cudaNix package
Wolfram Mathematica computational software system
mathematica-cudamathematica-webdoc-cudaNix package
Wolfram Mathematica computational software system
mathmodNix package
Mathematical modelling software
maximamaximaNix package
Computer algebra system
maximamaxima-eclNix package
Computer algebra system
mpsolveNix package
Multiprecision Polynomial Solver
msieveNix package
C library implementing a suite of algorithms to factor large integers
mxnetNix package
Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Data…
nascNix package
Do maths like a normal person, designed for elementary OS
nautyNix package
Programs for computing automorphism groups of graphs and digraphs
notaNix package
Most beautiful command line calculator
numworks-epsilonNix package
Simulator for Epsilon, a High-performance graphing calculator operating system
pagsuiteNix package
Optimization tools for the (P)MCM problem
palpNix package
Package for Analyzing Lattice Polytopes
pariNix package
Computer algebra system for high-performance number theory computations
pcalcNix package
Programmer's calculator
perseusNix package
Persistent Homology Software
polymakeNix package
Software for research in polyhedral geometry
Terminal calculator for programmers
psppNix package
Free replacement for SPSS, a program for statistical analysis of sampled data
pynacNix package
Python is Not a CAS -- modified version of Ginac
Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Data…
Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Data…
qalculate-gtkNix package
Ultimate desktop calculator
qalculate-qtNix package
Ultimate desktop calculator
RRNix package
Free software environment for statistical computing and graphics
RrWrapperNix package
Free software environment for statistical computing and graphics
ratpointsNix package
Program to find rational points on hyperelliptic curves
readstatNix package
Command-line tool (+ C library) for converting SAS, Stata, and SPSS files
riesNix package
Tool to produce a list of equations that approximately solve to a given number
ripserNix package
Lean C++ code for the computation of Vietoris–Rips persistence barcodes
rofi-calcNix package
Do live calculations in rofi!
sagesageNix package
Open Source Mathematics Software, free alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab
sagesageWithDocNix package
Open Source Mathematics Software, free alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab
scalp-unstableNix package
Scalable Linear Programming Library
scilab-binNix package
Scientific software package for numerical computations (Matlab lookalike)
singularNix package
CAS for polynomial computations
Fast power user calculator
symmetricaNix package
Collection of routines for representation theory and combinatorics
wekaNix package
Collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks
wolfram-engineNix package
Wolfram Engine computational software system
wxmaximaNix package
Cross platform GUI for the computer algebra system Maxima
yacasyacasNix package
Easy to use, general purpose Computer Algebra System
yacasyacas-guiNix package
Easy to use, general purpose Computer Algebra System, built with GUI
zegrapherNix package
Open source math plotter