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Showing entries 1-100 out of 110.
hyprwmNix package categories
i3window-managers/i3Nix package categories
xmonadNix package categories
2bwmNix package
A fast floating WM written over the XCB library and derived from mcwm
awesomeawesomeNix package
Highly configurable, dynamic window manager for X
awesomeawesome-4-0Nix package
Highly configurable, dynamic window manager for X
bspwmNix package
A tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning
cageNix package
A Wayland kiosk that runs a single, maximized application
cagebreakNix package
A Wayland tiling compositor inspired by ratpoison
cwmNix package
A lightweight and efficient window manager for X11
dkNix package
A list based tiling window manager in the vein of dwm, bspwm, and xmonad
dwlNix package
Dynamic window manager for Wayland
dwmNix package
An extremely fast, small, and dynamic window manager for X
dwm-statusNix package
Highly performant and configurable DWM status service
dzen2Nix package
X notification utility
e16Nix package
Enlightenment DR16 window manager
evilwmNix package
Minimalist window manager for the X Window System
ewwewwNix package
ElKowars wacky widgets
ewweww-waylandNix package
ElKowars wacky widgets
fbpanelNix package
A stand-alone panel
Advanced window decoration plugin for the Wayfire window manager
fluxboxNix package
Full-featured, light-resource X window manager
fvwmNix package
A multiple large virtual desktop window manager
fvwm3Nix package
A multiple large virtual desktop window manager - Version 3
gamescopegamescopeNix package
SteamOS session compositing window manager
gamescopegamescope-wsiNix package
SteamOS session compositing window manager
hackedboxNix package
A bastard hacked offspring of Blackbox
herbstluftwmNix package
A manual tiling window manager for X
hikariNix package
Stacking Wayland compositor which is actively developed on FreeBSD but also supports Linux
i3i3Nix package
A tiling window manager
i3i3-gapsNix package
A tiling window manager
Automatic, optimal tiling for i3wm
A simple tool to cyclically switch between the windows on the active workspace
Saving, loading and managing layouts for i3wm
i3-ratiosplitNix package
Resize newly created windows
i3-resurrectNix package
A simple but flexible solution to saving and restoring i3 workspaces
A fork of i3-gaps that adds rounding to window corners
Swallow a terminal window in i3wm
i3-wk-switchNix package
XMonad-like workspace switching for i3 and sway
i3altlayoutNix package
Helps you handle more efficiently your screen real estate in i3wm by auto-splitting windows on the…
i3blocksNix package
A flexible scheduler for your i3bar blocks
i3blocks-gapsNix package
A flexible scheduler for your i3bar blocks -- this is a fork to use with i3-gaps
i3easyfocusNix package
Focus and select windows in i3
i3ipc-glibNix package
A C interface library to i3wm
i3lockNix package
A simple screen locker like slock
i3lock-blurNix package
An improved screenlocker based upon XCB and PAM with background blurring filter
i3lock-colorNix package
A simple screen locker like slock, enhanced version with extra configuration options
A faster implementation of i3lock-fancy
I3lock is a bash script that takes a screenshot of the desktop, blurs the background and adds a lo…
A complete replacement for i3status
i3statusNix package
Generates a status line for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar or lemonbar
i3status-rustNix package
Very resource-friendly and feature-rich replacement for i3status
i3wsrNix package
Automatically change i3 workspace names based on their contents
ionNix package
Tiling tabbed window manager designed with keyboard users in mind
jay-unstableNix package
A Wayland compositor written in Rust
jwmNix package
Joe's Window Manager is a light-weight X11 window manager
A full configuration manager for JWM
kbdd-unstableNix package
Simple daemon and library to make per window layout using XKB
kitti3-unstableNix package
Kitty drop-down service for sway & i3wm
larswmNix package
9wm-like tiling window manager
leftwmNix package
A tiling window manager for the adventurer
lemonbarNix package
A lightweight xcb based bar
A lightweight xcb based bar with XFT-support
lesbarNix package
A programming language agnostic view layer for creating desktop widgets and status bars
lwmNix package
Lightweight Window Manager
matchboxNix package
X window manager for non-desktop embedded systems
maui-shellNix package
A convergent shell for desktops, tablets, and phones
miriway-unstableNix package
Mir based Wayland compositor
mlvwmNix package
Macintosh-like Virtual Window Manager
neocomp-unstableNix package
A fork of Compton, a compositor for X11
openboxNix package
X window manager for non-desktop embedded systems
A portable Wayland compositor in Objective-C
phoshNix package
A pure Wayland shell prototype for GNOME on mobile devices
A settings app for mobile specific things
Balance windows and workspaces in i3wm
ragnarwmNix package
Minimal, flexible & user-friendly X tiling window manager
riverNix package
A dynamic tiling wayland compositor
sawfishNix package
An extensible, Lisp-based window manager
shodNix package
A mouse-based window manager that can tile windows inside floating containers
sommelierNix package
Nested Wayland compositor with support for X11 forwarding
spectrwmNix package
A tiling window manager
stalonetrayNix package
Stand alone tray
stumpishNix package
STUMPwm Interactive SHell
tabbedNix package
Simple generic tabbed fronted to xembed aware applications
tinywlNix package
A "minimum viable product" Wayland compositor based on wlroots
trayerNix package
A lightweight GTK2-based systray for UNIX desktop
vwmNix package
Dynamic window manager for the console
wayfireNix package
3D Wayland compositor
Additional plugins for Wayfire
wayfire-wrappedNix package
3D Wayland compositor
Wayfire Config Manager
westonwestonNix package
A lightweight and functional Wayland compositor
westonwestonLiteNix package
A lightweight and functional Wayland compositor
wf-configNix package
Library for managing configuration files, written for Wayfire
GTK3-based panel for Wayfire
A window decoration plugin for wayfire
windowchefNix package
A stacking window manager that cooks windows with orders from the Waitron
windowlabNix package
Small and simple stacking window manager
Modern and minimal X11 tiling window manager
A tiny program to interact with wmderland