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Showing entries 1-49 out of 49.
am2rlauncherNix package
Front-end for dealing with AM2R updates and mods
amassNix package
In-Depth DNS Enumeration and Network Mapping
CloudWatch Agent enables you to collect and export host-level metrics and logs on instances runnin…
Contains a set of utilities for managing elastic network interfaces on Amazon EC2
amazon-ec2-utilsamazon-ec2-utilsNix package
Contains a set of utilities and settings for Linux deployments in EC2
amazon-ec2-utilsec2-utilsNix package
Contains a set of utilities and settings for Linux deployments in EC2
Amazon ECR Docker Credential Helper is a credential helper for the Docker daemon that makes it eas…
amazon-ecs-cliNix package
Amazon ECS command line interface
amazon-ssm-agentamazon-ssm-agentNix package
Agent to enable remote management of your Amazon EC2 instance configuration
amazon-ssm-agentssm-agentNix package
Agent to enable remote management of your Amazon EC2 instance configuration
AMB-pluginsNix package
Set of ambisonics ladspa plugins
amber-langNix package
Programming language compiled to bash
amber-secretNix package
Manage secret values in-repo via public key cryptography
amber-themeNix package
GTK, gnome-shell and Xfce theme based on Ubuntu Ambiance
amberolNix package
Small and simple sound and music player
amd-blisNix package
BLAS-compatible library optimized for AMD CPUs
amd-libflameNix package
LAPACK-compatible linear algebra library optimized for AMD CPUs
amd-ucodegenNix package
Tool to generate AMD microcode files
amdctlNix package
Set P-State voltages and clock speeds on recent AMD CPUs on Linux
amdencNix package
AMD Encode Core Library
amdgpu_topNix package
Tool to display AMDGPU usage
amdvlkamdvlkNix package
AMD Open Source Driver For Vulkan
amdvlkdriversi686Linux.amdvlkNix package
AMD Open Source Driver For Vulkan
amebaNix package
Static code analysis tool for Crystal
amfNix package
AMD's closed source Advanced Media Framework (AMF) driver
amf-headersNix package
Headers for The Advanced Media Framework (AMF)
amforaNix package
Fancy terminal browser for the Gemini protocol
amiberryNix package
Optimized Amiga emulator for Linux/macOS
amidstNix package
Advanced Minecraft Interface and Data/Structure Tracking
amiriNix package
Classical Arabic typeface in Naskh style
amlNix package
Another main loop
amnezia-vpnNix package
Amnezia VPN Client
amneziawg-goNix package
Userspace Go implementation of AmneziaWG
amneziawg-toolsNix package
Tools for configuring AmneziaWG
amocoNix package
Tool for analysing binaries
Among us, but it's a text adventure
ampNix package
Modern text editor inspired by Vim
amphetypeNix package
An advanced typing practice program
amqpcatNix package
CLI tool for publishing to and consuming from AMQP servers
amrnbNix package
AMR Narrow-Band Codec
amrwbNix package
AMR Wide-Band Codec
ams-lv2Nix package
LV2 port of the internal modules found in Alsa Modular Synth
ams-unstableNix package
Realtime modular synthesizer for ALSA
amttermamttermNix package
Intel AMT® SoL client + tools
amttermgamtNix package
Intel AMT® SoL client + tools
amuleNix package
Peer-to-peer client for the eD2K and Kademlia networks
amule-daemonNix package
Peer-to-peer client for the eD2K and Kademlia networks
amule-guiNix package
Peer-to-peer client for the eD2K and Kademlia networks
amule-webNix package
Peer-to-peer client for the eD2K and Kademlia networks