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Showing entries 1-68 out of 68.
analogNix package
Powerful tool to generate web server statistics
ananicy-cppNix package
Rewrite of ananicy in c++ for lower cpu and memory usage
CachyOS' ananicy-rules meant to be used with ananicy-cpp
ananicy-unstableNix package
Another auto nice daemon, with community rules support
anarchNix package
Suckless FPS game
anarchismNix package
Exhaustive exploration of Anarchist theory and practice
anchorNix package
Solana Sealevel Framework
andagiiNix package
Unicode Plane 1 Osmanya script font
andiNix package
Efficient Estimation of Evolutionary Distances
andikaNix package
Family designed especially for literacy use taking into account the needs of beginning readers
Utility to extract and repack Android backups created with adb backup
Android Studio CLI Tools
Android udev rules list aimed to be the most comprehensive on the net
andyetitmovesNix package
Physics/Gravity Platform game
anewNix package
Tool for adding new lines to files, skipping duplicates
anewerNix package
Append lines from stdin to a file if they don't already exist in the file
angbandNix package
Single-player roguelike dungeon exploration game
angelscriptNix package
Light-weight scripting library
angle-grinderNix package
Slice and dice logs on the command line
angsdNix package
Program for analysing NGS data
LSP for angular completions, AOT diagnostic, quick info and go to definitions
ani-cliNix package
Cli tool to browse and play anime
ani-skipNix package
Automated solution to bypassing anime opening and ending sequences
animatchNix package
Cute match three game for the Librem 5 smartphone
anime4kNix package
High-quality real time upscaler for anime
ankacoderNix package
Anka/Coder fonts
Anka/Coder Condensed font
ankama-launcherNix package
Ankama Launcher
ankoNix package
Scriptable interpreter written in golang
annapurna-silNix package
Unicode-based font family with broad support for writing systems that use the Devanagari script
annextimelogNix package
Git-annex based cli time tracker
annotatorNix package
Image annotation for Elementary OS
anonymousproNix package
TrueType font set intended for source code
anselNix package
Darktable fork minus the bloat plus some design vision
Quickly get ANSI escape sequences
ansible-cmdbNix package
Generate host overview from ansible fact gathering output
Ansible Language Server
Text-based user interface (TUI) for Ansible
ansifilterNix package
Tool to convert ANSI to other formats
antantNix package
Java-based build tool
antapacheAntNix package
Java-based build tool
antaresNix package
Modern, fast and productivity driven SQL client with a focus in UX
ante-unstableNix package
Low-level functional language for exploring refinement types, lifetime inference, and algebraic ef…
Extracts FIT files from ANT-FS based sport watches
anthyNix package
Hiragana text to Kana Kanji mixed text Japanese input method
antibodyNix package
Fastest shell plugin manager
anticNix package
Algebraic number theory library
antidoteNix package
Zsh plugin manager made from the ground up thinking about performance
antigenNix package
Plugin manager for zsh
Idle incremental game with multiple prestige layers
antiprismNix package
Collection of programs for generating, manipulating, transforming and viewing polyhedra
antiwordNix package
Convert MS Word documents to plain text or PostScript
antoraNix package
Modular documentation site generator
Antora extension adding offline, full-text search powered by Lunr
Antora default UI bundle
antsimulatorNix package
Simple Ants simulator
AntTweakBarNix package
Add a light/intuitive GUI to OpenGL applications
anubisNix package
Weighs the soul of incoming HTTP requests using proof-of-work to stop AI crawlers
Simple, easy to use, open source time tracking system
anupNix package
Anime tracker for AniList featuring a TUI
anvil-editorNix package
Graphical, multi-pane tiling editor inspired by Acme
any-nix-shellNix package
Fish, xonsh and zsh support for nix-shell
anydeskNix package
Desktop sharing application, providing remote support and online meetings
anykNix package
Tool for filling forms for the Hungarian government,
anyrunNix package
Wayland-native, highly customizable runner
Tiny emulator for AnyTone radios
anytypeNix package
P2P note-taking tool
Modal Homotopy Type System