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Showing entries 1-66 out of 66.
apache-airflowNix package
Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
apache-answerNix package
Q&A platform software for teams at any scales
Extensible and embeddable directory server
Eclipse-based LDAP browser and directory client
apache-flex-sdkNix package
Flex SDK for Adobe Flash / ActionScript
apache-usersNix package
Username Enumeration through Apache UserDir
Tool to scan for Apache Tomcat server vulnerabilities
apbsNix package
Software for biomolecular electrostatics and solvation calculations
apcupsdNix package
Daemon for controlling APC UPSes
apertureNix package
L402 (Lightning HTTP 402) Reverse Proxy
apfelNix package
PDF Evolution Library
apfelgridNix package
Ultra-fast theory predictions for collider observables
FUSE driver for APFS (Apple File System)
apfsprogsNix package
Experimental APFS tools for linux
apftool-rsNix package
About Tools for Rockchip image unpack tool
apg-unstableNix package
Tools for random password generation
apgdiffNix package
Another PostgreSQL diff tool
aphormeNix package
Program launcher for window managers, written in Rust
api-linterNix package
Linter for APIs defined in protocol buffers
apio-udev-rulesNix package
Apio udev rules list
apkeditorNix package
Powerful android apk resources editor
apkgNix package
Upstream packaging automation tool
apkidNix package
Android Application Identifier
apkleaksNix package
Scanning APK file for URIs, endpoints and secrets
apksigcopierNix package
Copy/extract/patch android apk signatures & compare APKs
apksignerNix package
Command line tool to sign and verify Android APKs
apktoolNix package
Tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
apl386Nix package
APL385 Unicode font evolved
apng2gifNix package
Simple program that converts APNG files to animated GIF format
apngoptNix package
Optimizes APNG animations
apostropheNix package
Distraction free Markdown editor for GNU/Linux
apparencyNix package
App That Opens Apps
apparixNix package
Add directory bookmarks, distant listing, and distant editing to the command line
appcleanerNix package
Uninstall unwanted apps
appeditorNix package
Edit the Pantheon desktop application menu
appflowyNix package
An open-source alternative to Notion
appgate-sdpNix package
Appgate SDP (Software Defined Perimeter) desktop client
Tool to package desktop applications as AppImages
appimageupdateappimageupdateNix package
Update AppImages using information embedded in the AppImage itself
appimageupdateappimageupdate-qtNix package
Update AppImages using information embedded in the AppImage itself
Bindings for appindicator using gobject-introspection
appium-inspectorNix package
GUI inspector for the appium UI automation tool
apple-sdkapple-sdkNix package
Frameworks and libraries required for building packages on Darwin
apple-sdkapple-sdk_11Nix package
Frameworks and libraries required for building packages on Darwin
apple-sdkapple-sdk_12Nix package
Frameworks and libraries required for building packages on Darwin
apple-sdkapple-sdk_13Nix package
Frameworks and libraries required for building packages on Darwin
apple-sdkapple-sdk_14Nix package
Frameworks and libraries required for building packages on Darwin
apple-sdkapple-sdk_15Nix package
Frameworks and libraries required for building packages on Darwin
apple_cursorNix package
Opensource macOS Cursors
KDE Plasma6 widget with window controls
approxmcNix package
Approximate Model Counter
apprun-cliNix package
CLI for sakura AppRun
appstream-glibNix package
Objects and helper methods to read and write AppStream metadata
appvm-unstableNix package
Nix-based app VMs
apr-utilNix package
Companion library to APR, the Apache Portable Runtime
aprxNix package
Multitalented APRS i-gate / digipeater
aptNix package
Command-line package management tools used on Debian-based systems
apt-cacher-ngNix package
Caching proxy specialized for Linux distribution files
apt-daterNix package
Terminal-based remote package update manager
apt-mirrorNix package
Tool that provides the ability to mirror any parts of apt sources
apt-offlineNix package
Offline APT package manager
aptdecNix package
NOAA APT satellite imagery decoding library
aptlyNix package
Debian repository management tool
apvlvNix package
PDF viewer with Vim-like behaviour
apxNix package
Vanilla OS package manager
apx-guiNix package
GUI frontend for Apx in GTK 4 and Libadwaita