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Showing entries 1-96 out of 96.
arachne-pnrNix package
Place and route tool for FPGAs
aragornNix package
Detects tRNA, mtRNA, and tmRNA genes in nucleotide sequences
arandrNix package
Simple visual front end for XRandR
arangodbNix package
Native multi-model database with flexible data models for documents, graphs, and key-values
aranymNix package
Atari Running on Any Machine
aravisNix package
Library for video acquisition using GenICam cameras
arbNix package
Library for arbitrary-precision interval arithmetic
arc-browserNix package
Arc from The Browser Company
arc-icon-themeNix package
Arc icon theme
arc-kde-themeNix package
Port of the arc theme for Plasma
arc-themeNix package
Flat theme with transparent elements for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome Shell
Tool to extract files from visual novel archives
arcanNix package
Combined Display Server, Multimedia Framework, Game Engine
arcanechat-tuiarcanechat-tuiNix package
Lightweight Delta Chat client
arcanechat-tuideltachat-cursedNix package
Lightweight Delta Chat client
Useful scripts for installing Arch Linux
archimedeNix package
Unobtrusive directory information fetcher
archimedesNix package
GNU package for semiconductor device simulations
archipelagoarchipelagoNix package
Multi-Game Randomizer and Server
archipelagoarchipelago-minecraftNix package
Multi-Game Randomizer and Server
archiveboxNix package
Open source self-hosted web archiving
archivemountNix package
Gateway between FUSE and libarchive: allows mounting of cpio, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 archives
archiverNix package
Easily create & extract archives, and compress & decompress files of various formats
archivyNix package
Self-hosted knowledge repository
archtikaNix package
Modern, performant and lightweight CMS
arcticons-sansNix package
Arcticons Sans
ardopc-unstableNix package
ARDOP (Amateur Radio Digital Open Protocol) TNC implementation by John Wiseman (GM8BPQ)
ardugotoolsNix package
CLI toolset for Arduboy
arduino-ciNix package
CI for Arduino Libraries
arduino-cliNix package
Arduino from the command line
Agent to upload code to any USB connected Arduino board directly from the browser
arduino-ideNix package
Open-source electronics prototyping platform
Arduino Language Server based on Clangd to Arduino code autocompletion
arduino-mkNix package
Makefile for Arduino sketches
arduinoOTANix package
Tool for uploading programs to Arduino boards over a network
arenaNix package
Chess GUI for analyzing with and playing against various engines
aresNix package
Open-source multi-system emulator with a focus on accuracy and preservation
ares-cliNix package
A collection of commands used for creating, packaging, installing, and launching web apps for LG w…
ares-rsNix package
Automated decoding of encrypted text without knowing the key or ciphers used
argaggNix package
Argument Aggregator
argbashNix package
Bash argument parsing code generator
argcNix package
Command-line options, arguments and sub-commands parser for bash
argo-exprNix package
Argo expression tester
argo-rolloutsNix package
Kubernetes Progressive Delivery Controller
argo-workflowsargoNix package
Container native workflow engine for Kubernetes
argo-workflowsargo-workflowsNix package
Container native workflow engine for Kubernetes
argocdNix package
Declarative continuous deployment for Kubernetes
argocd-autopilotNix package
ArgoCD Autopilot
Argo CD plugin to retrieve secrets from Secret Management tools and inject them into Kubernetes se…
argonNix package
Full featured tool for Roblox development
Replacement daemon for the Argon One Raspberry Pi case
argp-standaloneNix package
Standalone version of arguments parsing functions from Glibc
argparseNix package
Argument Parser for Modern C++
argtableNix package
Single-file, ANSI C command-line parsing library
Library for argument handling for MINC programs
argusNix package
Audit Record Generation and Utilization System for networks
argus-clientsNix package
Clients for ARGUS
argyllcmsNix package
Color management system (compatible with ICC)
ariangNix package
Modern web frontend making aria2 easier to use
aribb24Nix package
Library for ARIB STD-B24, decoding JIS 8 bit characters and parsing MPEG-TS stream
arioNix package
GTK client for MPD (Music player daemon)
arjNix package
Open-source implementation of the world-famous ARJ archiver
arjunNix package
HTTP parameter discovery suite
arjun-cnfNix package
CNF minimizer and minimal independent set calculator
arkadeNix package
Open Source Kubernetes Marketplace
arkenfox-userjsNix package
A comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening
arkpandoraNix package
Font, metrically identical to Arial and Times New Roman
Clean, intuitive Arma 3 + DayZ SA Launcher
armadilloNix package
C++ linear algebra library
Firmware from Armbian
Graphical cyber attack management tool for Metasploit
arp-scanNix package
ARP scanning and fingerprinting tool
arp-scan-rsNix package
ARP scan tool for fast local network scans
arpa2cmNix package
CMake Module library for the ARPA2 project
arpa2commonNix package
ARPA2 ID and ACL libraries and other core data structures for ARPA2
arpackNix package
A collection of Fortran77 subroutines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems
arpack-mpiNix package
A collection of Fortran77 subroutines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems
arphic-ukaiNix package
CJK Unicode font Kai style
arphic-umingNix package
CJK Unicode font Ming style
arpingNix package
Broadcasts a who-has ARP packet on the network and prints answers
arpoisonNix package
UNIX arp cache update utility
arrow-cppNix package
Cross-language development platform for in-memory data
arrow-glibNix package
GLib bindings for Apache Arrow
arrpcNix package
Open Discord RPC server for atypical setups
arsenalNix package
Tool to generate commands for security and network tools
artNix package
A raw converter based on RawTherapee
artalkNix package
Self-hosted comment system
artemNix package
Small CLI program to convert images to ASCII art
arthaNix package
Offline thesaurus based on WordNet
artiNix package
Implementation of Tor in Rust
Dark theme deeply inspired by the Ayu Dark color palette
artyFXNix package
LV2 plugin bundle of artistic realtime effects
Extract TOTP seed instead of using ArubaOTP app
Easily clean the LaTeX code of your paper to submit to arXiv
Open source pan-CJK pixel font
Automatically build (and test) feature-rich configurations for BGP route servers