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Showing entries 1-71 out of 71.
aggNix package
Command-line tool for generating animated GIF files from asciicast v2 files produced by asciinema …
as-tree-unstableNix package
Print a list of paths as a tree of paths
as31Nix package
8031/8051 assembler
asahi-blessNix package
Tool to select active boot partition on ARM Macs
asahi-btsyncNix package
Tool to sync Bluetooth pairing keys with macos on ARM Macs
asahi-nvramNix package
Tool to read and write nvram variables on ARM Macs
asahi-wifisyncNix package
Tool to sync Wifi passwords with macos on ARM Macs
asakNix package
Cross-platform audio recording/playback CLI tool with TUI, written in Rust
asapNix package
Another Slight Atari Player
asarasarNix package
Simple extensive tar-like archive format with indexing
asarnodePackages.asarNix package
Simple extensive tar-like archive format with indexing
asarnodePackages_latest.asarNix package
Simple extensive tar-like archive format with indexing
Convert ASCII-armored PGP keys to animated QR code
asciiNix package
Interactive ASCII name and synonym chart
ascii-drawNix package
Draw diagrams or anything using only ASCII
Convert images into ASCII art on the console
Displays your webcam on the terminal
asciidoctorjNix package
Official library for running Asciidoctor on the JVM
asciigraphNix package
Lightweight ASCII line graph ╭┈╯ command line app
asciinemaasciinemaNix package
Terminal session recorder and the best companion of
asciinemaasciinema_3Nix package
Terminal session recorder and the best companion of
CLI utility to automate asciinema recordings
Create asciinema videos from a text file
asciiquariumNix package
Enjoy the mysteries of the sea from the safety of your own terminal!
Aquarium/sea animation in ASCII art (with option of transparent background)
asdf-vmNix package
Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Erlang & more
asepriteasepriteNix package
Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool
asepriteaseprite-unfreeNix package
Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool
Listens for MIDI events on the Alsa sequencer and outputs as JSON to stdout
asfaNix package
Avoid sending file attachments by uploading them via SSH to a remote site and sharing a publicly-a…
Sample ASHA implementation for Linux designed to work with pipewire and bluez
ashellNix package
Ready to go Wayland status bar for Hyprland
ashpd-demoNix package
Tool for playing with XDG desktop portals
ashuffleNix package
Automatic library-wide shuffle for mpd
askalonoNix package
Tool to detect open source licenses from texts
aslNix package
Portable macro cross assembler
asleap-unstableNix package
Recovers weak LEAP and PPTP passwords
asm-lspNix package
Language server for NASM/GAS/GO Assembly
asmfmtNix package
Go assembler formatter
asmjit-unstableNix package
Machine code generation for C++
asnNix package
OSINT command line tool for investigating network data
asn1cNix package
Open Source ASN.1 Compiler
asn1editorNix package
Python based editor for ASN.1 encoded data
asnmapNix package
Tool to gather network ranges using ASN information
asouldocsasouldocsNix package
Web server for multi-language, real-time synchronization and searchable documentation
asouldocspeachNix package
Web server for multi-language, real-time synchronization and searchable documentation
aspcudNix package
Solver for package problems in CUDF format using ASP
aspectjNix package
Seamless aspect-oriented extension to the Java programming language
aspino-unstableNix package
SAT/PseudoBoolean/MaxSat/ASP solver using glucose
assaultcubeNix package
Fast and fun first-person-shooter based on the Cube fps
assemblyscriptNix package
TypeScript-like language for WebAssembly
assetfinderNix package
Find domains and subdomains related to a given domain
asshNix package
Advanced SSH config - Regex, aliases, gateways, includes and dynamic hosts
assign-lb-ipNix package
Assigns loadBalancerIP address to a Kubernetes service for testing purposes
assimpNix package
Library to import various 3D model formats
ast-grepNix package
Fast and polyglot tool for code searching, linting, rewriting at large scale
astartectlNix package
Astarte command line client utility
astc-encoderNix package
Encoder for the ASTC texture compression format
Replacement for the SCCP channel driver in Asterisk
astralNix package
Tool for estimating an unrooted species tree given a set of unrooted gene trees
The Astro language server
Java-based tool for generating EPS files for constructing astrolabes and related tools
astrologNix package
Freeware astrology program
astromenaceNix package
Hardcore 3D space shooter with spaceship upgrade possibilities
astronomerNix package
Tool to detect illegitimate stars from bot accounts on GitHub projects
astrotermNix package
Celestial viewer for the terminal, written in C
astyleastyleNix package
Source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for C, C++, C# and Java
astylelibastyleNix package
Source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for C, C++, C# and Java
asunderNix package
Graphical Audio CD ripper and encoder for Linux
asusctlNix package
Control daemon, CLI tools, and a collection of crates for interacting with ASUS ROG laptops
async-profilerNix package
Low overhead sampling profiler for Java that does not suffer from Safepoint bias problem