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Showing entries 1-74 out of 74.
aubioNix package
Library for audio labelling
aucatctlNix package
Utility that allows to send MIDI messages to control sndiod and/or aucat volumes
auctexNix package
Extensible package for writing and formatting TeX files in GNU Emacs and XEmacs
audaciousaudaciousNix package
Lightweight and versatile audio player
audaciousaudacious-bareNix package
Lightweight and versatile audio player
Plugins for Audacious music player
audacityNix package
Sound editor with graphical UI
audiality2Nix package
Realtime scripted modular audio engine for video games and musical applications
audible-cliNix package
Command line interface for audible package
audinessNix package
CLI tool to interact with Nessus
audio-recorderNix package
Audio recorder for GNOME and Unity Desktops
audio-sharingNix package
Automatically share the current audio playback in the form of an RTSP stream
audiobookshelfNix package
Self-hosted audiobook and podcast server
audionNix package
Ping the host continuously and write results to a file
audiothekarNix package
Download-Client für die ARD-Audiothek
audiowaveformNix package
C++ program to generate waveform data and render waveform images from audio files
auditNix package
Audit Library
augeasNix package
Configuration editing tool
august-unstableNix package
Emmet-like language that produces JSON, TOML, or YAML
augustusNix package
Open source re - Implementation of Caesar III
aurulent-sansNix package
Aurulent Sans
auth0-cliNix package
Supercharge your developer workflow
authenticatorNix package
Two-factor authentication code generator for GNOME
authentikNix package
Authentication glue you need
The authentik ldap outpost
Authentik proxy outpost which is used for HTTP reverse proxy authentication
Authentik radius outpost which is used for the external radius API
authoscopeauthoscopeNix package
Scriptable network authentication cracker
authoscopebadtouchNix package
Scriptable network authentication cracker
authz0Nix package
Automated authorization test tool
auto-changelogauto-changelogNix package
Command line tool for generating a changelog from git tags and commit history package
Command line tool for generating a changelog from git tags and commit history package
Command line tool for generating a changelog from git tags and commit history
auto-editorNix package
Command line application for automatically editing video and audio by analyzing a variety of metho…
auto-eppNix package
Auto-epp (energy performance preference) for AMD processors when amd_pstate=active
Create and manage multiple choice questionnaires with automated marking
auto-patchelfNix package
Automatically patch ELF binaries using patchelf
autobloodyNix package
Tool to automatically exploit Active Directory privilege escalation paths
autobrrNix package
Modern, easy to use download automation for torrents and usenet
autobuildNix package
Continuous integration tool
autoconf-archiveNix package
Archive of autoconf m4 macros
autocutselNix package
Tracks changes in the server's cutbuffer and CLIPBOARD selection
autoenvNix package
Per-directory shell environments sourced from .env file
autofsNix package
Kernel-based automounter
autogenNix package
Automated text and program generation tool
autojumpNix package
`cd' command that learns
autokeyNix package
Desktop automation utility for Linux and X11
autologinNix package
Run a command inside of a new PAM user session
Automatically update system timezone based on location
Toolkit to automatically generate software components: abstract API, implementation stubs and lang…
automirrorNix package
Automatic Display Mirror
automysqlbackupNix package
Script to run daily, weekly and monthly backups for your MySQL database
autopano-sift-CNix package
Implementation in C of the autopano-sift algorithm for automatically stitching panoramas
autoprefixerautoprefixerNix package
Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website
autoprefixernodePackages.autoprefixerNix package
Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website
autoprefixernodePackages_latest.autoprefixerNix package
Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website
autopsyNix package
Graphical interface to The Sleuth Kit and other open source digital forensics tools
autoraiseNix package
AutoRaise (and focus) a window when hovering over it with the mouse
autorandrNix package
Automatically select a display configuration based on connected devices
autoresticNix package
High level CLI utility for restic
autorevisionNix package
Extracts revision metadata from your VCS repository
Automatically convert your existing AutoScaling groups to up to 90% cheaper spot instances with mi…
autosshNix package
Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels
autosubst2Nix package
Tool for generating de Bruijn boilerplate Coq code to handle substitutions in languages with binde…
autosuspendNix package
Daemon to automatically suspend and wake up a system
autotalentNix package
Real-time pitch correction LADSPA plugin (no MIDI control)
autotierNix package
Passthrough FUSE filesystem that intelligently moves files between storage tiers based on frequenc…
autotiling-rsNix package
Autotiling for sway (and possibly i3)
Autotools language server, support,, Makefile
autotraceNix package
Utility for converting bitmap into vector graphics
Automatic CPU speed & power optimizer for Linux
python3.12-autotrashautotrashNix package
Tool to automatically purge old trashed files
python3.12-autotrashpython312Packages.autotrashNix package
Tool to automatically purge old trashed files
python3.12-autotrashpython313Packages.autotrashNix package
Tool to automatically purge old trashed files