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Showing entries 1-21 out of 21.
av1anNix package
Cross-platform command-line encoding framework
av1an-unwrappedNix package
Cross-platform command-line encoding framework
avalanchegoNix package
Go implementation of an Avalanche node
AvaloniaNix package
A cross-platform UI framework for dotnet
avbrootNix package
Sign (and root) Android A/B OTAs with custom keys while preserving Android Verified Boot
avdump3Nix package
Tool for extracting audio/video metadata from media files and uploading it to AniDB
avfsNix package
Virtual filesystem that allows browsing of compressed files
aviatorNix package
Merge YAML/JSON files in a in a convenient fashion
avidemuxNix package
Free video editor designed for simple video editing tasks
avisynthplusNix package
Improved version of the AviSynth frameserver
avizoNix package
Neat notification daemon for Wayland
avmlNix package
A portable volatile memory acquisition tool for Linux
avocodeNix package
Bridge between designers and developers
avr-simNix package
AVR assembler simulator for the stepwise execution of assembler source code - with many extras
avr8-burn-omatNix package
GUI tool for avrdude
avraNix package
Assembler for the Atmel AVR microcontroller family
avrdudeNix package
Command-line tool for programming Atmel AVR microcontrollers
avrdudessNix package
GUI for AVRDUDE (AVR microcontroller programmer)
avro-cNix package
C library which implements parts of the Avro Specification
avro-c++Nix package
C++ library which implements parts of the Avro Specification
avro-toolsNix package
Avro command-line tools and utilities