Showing entries 1-31 out of 31.
Command-line tool and library to read and convert LTTng tracefiles
Command-line tool and library to read and convert LTTng tracefiles
Command-line tool and library to read and convert LTTng tracefiles
Babeltrace /ˈbæbəltreɪs/ is an open-source trace manipulation toolkit
Babeltrace /ˈbæbəltreɪs/ is an open-source trace manipulation toolkit
Babeltrace /ˈbæbəltreɪs/ is an open-source trace manipulation toolkit
Command line tool to remove background from image and video, made by nadermx to power
Automatically set screen brightness with a webcam
Web UI and orchestrator for restic backup
Fast key-value DB in Go
Tool to find common vulnerabilities in cryptographic public keys
The testing framework with balls
Banana Cursor
Halfway-decent three-stage psychoacoustic bass approximation
Bazel/Build Analysis and Navigation Tool
Graphical application to analyse disk usage in any GNOME environment
Modular SIP User-Agent with audio and video support
Destructive action game
Browse and preview Base16 Shell themes in your terminal
Base45 library for Nim
Type checker for the Python language
A language server for Bash
A language server for Bash
A language server for Bash
Bash command line framework and CLI generator
Sd-bus library, extracted from systemd
Cat(1) clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration
Java based toolkit for handling SVG
Interactive batteries viewer
Small program to send battery notifications
Graphical configurator for Dygma Products