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Showing entries 1-100 out of 112.
babeldNix package
Loop-avoiding distance-vector routing protocol
babelstone-hanNix package
Unicode CJK font with over 36000 Han characters
babeltracebabeltraceNix package
Command-line tool and library to read and convert LTTng tracefiles
babeltracepython312Packages.babeltraceNix package
Command-line tool and library to read and convert LTTng tracefiles
babeltracepython313Packages.babeltraceNix package
Command-line tool and library to read and convert LTTng tracefiles
babeltrace2babeltrace2Nix package
Babeltrace /ˈbæbəltreɪs/ is an open-source trace manipulation toolkit
babeltrace2python312Packages.babeltrace2Nix package
Babeltrace /ˈbæbəltreɪs/ is an open-source trace manipulation toolkit
babeltrace2python313Packages.babeltrace2Nix package
Babeltrace /ˈbæbəltreɪs/ is an open-source trace manipulation toolkit
bablNix package
Image pixel format conversion library
baboosshNix package
Tool to do SSH spreading
backblaze-b2Nix package
Command-line tool for accessing the Backblaze B2 storage service
backdownNix package
File deduplicator
Command line tool to remove background from image and video, made by nadermx to power
backlight-autoNix package
Automatically set screen brightness with a webcam
backrestNix package
Web UI and orchestrator for restic backup
backwardNix package
Beautiful stack trace pretty printer for C++
bacnet-stackNix package
BACnet open source protocol stack for embedded systems, Linux, and Windows
baconNix package
Background rust code checker
bada-bibNix package
Simple BibTeX Viewer and Editor
badcharsNix package
HEX badchar generator for different programming languages
baddnsNix package
Tool to check subdomains for subdomain takeovers and other DNS issues
badgerNix package
Fast key-value DB in Go
badkeysNix package
Tool to find common vulnerabilities in cryptographic public keys
badlion-clientNix package
Most Complete All-In-One Mod Library for Minecraft with 100+ Mods, FPS Improvements, and more
badrobotNix package
Operator Security Audit Tool
badvpnNix package
Set of network-related (mostly VPN-related) tools
badwolfNix package
Minimalist and privacy-oriented WebKitGTK+ browser
baekmuk-ttfNix package
Korean font
baidupcs-goNix package
Baidu Netdisk commandline client, mimicking Linux shell file handling commands
bakeliteNix package
Incremental backup with strong cryptographic confidentality
bakoma-ttfNix package
TrueType versions of the Computer Modern and AMS TeX Fonts
balanceofsatoshisbalanceofsatoshisNix package
Tool for working with the balance of your satoshis on LND
balanceofsatoshisnodePackages.balanceofsatoshisNix package
Tool for working with the balance of your satoshis on LND
balanceofsatoshisnodePackages_latest.balanceofsatoshisNix package
Tool for working with the balance of your satoshis on LND
balatroNix package
Poker roguelike
balena-cliNix package
Command line interface for balenaCloud or openBalena
ballerburgNix package
Classic cannon combat game
ballsNix package
The testing framework with balls
balsaNix package
E-mail client for GNOME
bamNix package
Yet another build manager
bambu-studioNix package
PC Software for BambuLab's 3D printers
bamfNix package
Application matching framework
bamtoolsNix package
C++ API & command-line toolkit for working with BAM data
Accounting Software for small companies, associations and individuals
banana-cursorNix package
Banana Cursor
banana-veraNix package
Fork of vera using python3.10
bandwhichNix package
CLI utility for displaying current network utilization
bandwidthNix package
Artificial benchmark for identifying weaknesses in the memory subsystem
bankingNix package
Banking application for small screens
bankstown-lv2Nix package
Halfway-decent three-stage psychoacoustic bass approximation
bannerNix package
Print large banners to ASCII terminals
bantNix package
Bazel/Build Analysis and Navigation Tool
baoNix package
Implementation of BLAKE3 verified streaming
baobabNix package
Graphical application to analyse disk usage in any GNOME environment
barNix package
Console progress bar
barcodeNix package
GNU barcode generator
baresipNix package
Modular SIP User-Agent with audio and video support
barkNix package
Live sync audio streaming for local networks
bark-serverNix package
Backend of Bark, an iOS App which allows you to push customed notifications to your iPhone
barlowNix package
Grotesk variable font superfamily
barmanNix package
Backup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL
barrageNix package
Destructive action game
bartenderNix package
Take control of your menu bar
bartibNix package
Simple timetracker for the command line
basalt-monadoNix package
A fork of Basalt improved for tracking XR devices with Monado
All the color schemes for use in base16 packages
Browse and preview Base16 Shell themes in your terminal
Universal manager to set base16 themes for any supported application
base16384Nix package
Encode binary files to printable utf16be
base45Nix package
Base45 library for Nim
basedpyrightNix package
Type checker for the Python language
baserowNix package
No-code database and Airtable alternative
basexNix package
XML database and XPath/XQuery processor
basezNix package
Base 16/32/64 encode/decode data to standard output
bash-completionNix package
Programmable completion for the bash shell
bash-env-jsonNix package
Export Bash environment as JSON for import into modern shells like Elvish and Nushell
bash-language-serverbash-language-serverNix package
A language server for Bash
bash-language-servernodePackages.bash-language-serverNix package
A language server for Bash
bash-language-servernodePackages_latest.bash-language-serverNix package
A language server for Bash
bash-my-awsNix package
CLI commands for AWS
bash-preexecNix package
Preexec and precmd functions for Bash just like Zsh
Bash shell-script implementation of SuperGenPass password generation
bash_unitNix package
Bash unit testing enterprise edition framework for professionals
Single Bash script to create blogs
bashcardsNix package
Practice flashcards in bash
bashdbNix package
Bash script debugger
bashlyNix package
Bash command line framework and CLI generator
bashmountNix package
Menu-driven bash script for the management of removable media with udisks
bashplotlibNix package
Plotting in the terminal
bashrun2Nix package
Application launcher based on a modified bash session in a small terminal window
bashSnippetsNix package
Collection of small bash scripts for heavy terminal users
basicswapNix package
Basic Atomic Swap Proof of Concept
68k Macintosh emulator
basilkNix package
Terminal User Interface (TUI) to manage your tasks with minimal kanban logic
bastetNix package
Tetris clone with 'bastard' block-choosing AI
basuNix package
Sd-bus library, extracted from systemd
batNix package
Cat(1) clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration
batikNix package
Java based toolkit for handling SVG
batmonNix package
Interactive batteries viewer
batoNix package
Small program to send battery notifications