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Showing entries 1-80 out of 80.
boaNix package
Embeddable and experimental Javascript engine written in Rust
boatswainNix package
Control Elgato Stream Deck devices
bobNix package
Build system for microservices
bobcatNix package
Brokken's Own Base Classes And Templates
BoCANix package
Component library used by the fre:ac audio converter
bochsNix package
Open-source IA-32 (x86) PC emulator
bodycloseNix package
Golang linter to check whether HTTP response body is closed and a re-use of TCP connection is not …
boehm-gcNix package
Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector for C and C++
bogofilterNix package
Bogofilter is a mail filter that classifies mail as spam or ham (non-spam) by a statistical analys…
BoilRNix package
Automatically adds (almost) all your games to your Steam library (including image art)
boinctuiNix package
Curses based fullscreen BOINC manager
boldNix package
Drop-in replacement for Apple system linker ld
Flexible LV2 delay plugin
boltNix package
Thunderbolt 3 device management daemon
bolt-launcherNix package
An alternative launcher for RuneScape
boltbrowserNix package
CLI Browser for BoltDB files
bomNix package
Utility to generate SPDX-compliant Bill of Materials manifests
bombadilloNix package
Non-web client for the terminal, supporting Gopher, Gemini and more
bombardierNix package
Fast cross-platform HTTP benchmarking tool written in Go
bomber-goNix package
Tool to scans Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) for vulnerabilities
bombonoNix package
DVD authoring program for personal computers
bombsquadNix package
Free, multiplayer, arcade-style game for up to eight players that combines elements of fighting ga…
bomutilsNix package
Open source tools to create bill-of-materials files used in macOS installers
bonkNix package
Blazingly fast touch alternative written in Rust
bonminNix package
Open-source code for solving general MINLP (Mixed Integer NonLinear Programming) problems
bonnie++Nix package
Hard drive and file system benchmark suite
bonnmotionNix package
Mobility scenario generation and analysis tool
bonsaiNix package
Finite State Machine structured as a tree
bonzomaticNix package
Live shader coding tool and Shader Showdown workhorse
boofuzzNix package
Network protocol fuzzing tool
BoogieNix package
Intermediate verification language
boohuNix package
New coffee-break roguelike game
book-summaryNix package
Book auto-summary for gitbook and mdBook
Simple, focused eBook reader
boolectorNix package
Extremely fast SMT solver for bit-vectors and arrays
boolstuffNix package
Library for operations on boolean expression binary trees
boopsNix package
Sound glitch effect sequencer LV2 plugin
boost-buildNix package
boost-smlNix package
Header only state machine library with no dependencies
boosterNix package
Fast and secure initramfs generator
bootNix package
Build tooling for Clojure
bootcNix package
Boot and upgrade via container images
bootil-unstableNix package
Garry Newman's personal utility library
bootisoNix package
Script for securely creating a bootable USB device from one image file
bootspecNix package
Implementation of RFC-0125's datatype and synthesis tooling
bootstrap-studioNix package
Drag-and-drop designer for bootstrap
boottermNix package
Simple, reliable and powerful terminal to ease connection to serial ports
borealis-cursorsNix package
Cursor theme using a custom color palette inspired by boreal colors
borg-sans-monoNix package
Droid Sans Mono Slashed + Hasklig-style ligatures
borgbackupNix package
Deduplicating archiver with compression and encryption
borgmaticNix package
Simple, configuration-driven backup software for servers and workstations
Free TLS/SSL implementation
boringtunNix package
Userspace WireGuard® implementation in Rust
boronNix package
Scripting language and C library useful for building DSLs
bosh-cliNix package
Command line interface to CloudFoundry BOSH
bossaNix package
Flash programming utility for Atmel's SAM family of flash-based ARM microcontrollers
bossa-arduinoNix package
Flash programming utility for Atmel's SAM family of flash-based ARM microcontrollers
bosun-unstableNix package
Time Series Alerting Framework
botamusiqueNix package
Bot to play youtube / soundcloud / radio / local music on Mumble
bottlesNix package
Easy-to-use wineprefix manager
Easy-to-use wineprefix manager
bottomNix package
Cross-platform graphical process/system monitor with a customizable interface
bottom-rsNix package
Fantastic (maybe) CLI for translating between bottom and human-readable text
boulderNix package
ACME-based certificate authority, written in Go
boundaryNix package
Enables identity-based access management for dynamic infrastructure
bountyNix package
CLI tool for
bower2nixbower2nixNix package
Generate nix expressions to fetch bower dependencies
bower2nixnodePackages.bower2nixNix package
Generate nix expressions to fetch bower dependencies
bower2nixnodePackages_latest.bower2nixNix package
Generate nix expressions to fetch bower dependencies
bowtieNix package
Ultrafast memory-efficient short read aligner
bowtie2Nix package
Ultrafast and memory-efficient tool for aligning sequencing reads to long reference sequences
boxbuddyNix package
Unofficial GUI for managing your Distroboxes, written with GTK4 + Libadwaita
boxed-cppNix package
Boxing primitive types in C++
boxesNix package
Command line program which draws, removes, and repairs ASCII art boxes
boxfortNix package
Convenient & cross-platform sandboxing C library
boxfsNix package
FUSE file system for accounts
boxxyNix package
Puts bad Linux applications in a box with only their files
bozohttpdbozohttpdNix package
Bozotic HTTP server; small and secure
bozohttpdbozohttpd-minimalNix package
Bozotic HTTP server; small and secure
Control your Moza gear settings