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Showing entries 1-37 out of 37.
cedarNix package
Implementation of the Cedar Policy Language
ceguiNix package
C++ Library for creating GUIs
cel-goNix package
Fast, portable, non-Turing complete expression evaluation with gradual typing
celesteNix package
GUI file synchronization client that can sync with any cloud provider
PICO-8 platformer about climbing a mountain, made in four days (Practice Mod)
PICO-8 platformer about climbing a mountain, made in four days
celeste64Nix package
Celeste 64: Fragments of the Mountain
celfNix package
Linear logic programming system
celluloidNix package
Simple GTK frontend for the mpv video player
cemuNix package
Software to emulate Wii U games and applications on PC
cen64-unstableNix package
Cycle-Accurate Nintendo 64 Emulator
centNix package
Tool to handle Nuclei community templates
centerim5Nix package
Fork of CenterICQ, a curses instant messaging program
centerpieceNix package
Your trusty omnibox search
centrifugoNix package
Scalable real-time messaging server
ceph-csiNix package
Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver for Ceph RBD and CephFS
ceptreNix package
Linear logic programming language for modeling generative interactive systems
cerealcerealNix package
Header-only C++11 serialization library
cerealcereal_1_3_2Nix package
Header-only C++11 serialization library
cernlibNix package
Legacy collection of libraries and modules for data analysis in high energy physics
ceroNix package
Scrape domain names from SSL certificates of arbitrary hosts
cert-viewerNix package
Admin tool to view and inspect multiple x509 Certificates
certdumpNix package
Dump certificates from PE files in different formats
certgraphNix package
Intelligence tool to crawl the graph of certificate alternate names
certiNix package
ADCS abuser
CLI tool to extract server certificates
certigoNix package
Utility to examine and validate certificates in a variety of formats
certinfoNix package
Print x509 certificate info
certinfo-goNix package
Tool to analyze and troubleshoot x.509 & ssh certificates, encoded keys,
certmgrcertmgrNix package
Cloudflare's automated certificate management using a CFSSL CA
certmgrcertmgr-selfsignedNix package
Cloudflare's automated certificate management using a CFSSL CA
certspotterNix package
Certificate Transparency Log Monitor
certstrapNix package
Tools to bootstrap CAs, certificate requests, and signed certificates
Drop-in replacement in Golang for the certstream server by Calidog
certsyncNix package
Dump NTDS with golden certificates and UnPAC the hash
cewlNix package
Custom wordlist generator
cewlerNix package
Custom Word List generator Redefined