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Showing entries 1-16 out of 16.
cf-terraformingNix package
Command line utility to facilitate terraforming your existing Cloudflare resources
cf-toolNix package
Codeforces CLI (Submit, Parse, Test, etc.)
cf-vaultNix package
A tool for managing your Cloudflare credentials, securely
cfdgNix package
Context-free design grammar - a tool for graphics generation
cfdyndnsNix package
CloudFlare Dynamic DNS Client
cfitsioNix package
Library for reading and writing FITS data files
cflowNix package
Tool to analyze the control flow of C programs
cfmNix package
Simple and fast TUI file manager with no dependencies
cfn-nagNix package
Linting tool for CloudFormation templates
cfontsNix package
A silly little command line tool for sexy ANSI fonts in the console
cfrNix package
Another java decompiler
cfripperNix package
Tool for analysing CloudFormation templates
cfs-zen-tweaksNix package
Tweak Linux CPU scheduler for desktop responsiveness
cfspeedtestNix package
Unofficial CLI for
cfsslNix package
Cloudflare's PKI and TLS toolkit
cfvNix package
Utility to verify and create a wide range of checksums